owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
conditions, have the vehicle checked atbraking abruptly or when braking on slip-tor is working, you may feel a pulsation in
an INFINITI dealer. pery surfaces. The system detects the ro-the brake pedal and hear a noise or vibra-
How to handle the sensor tation speed at each wheel and varies thetion from the actuator under the hood.
brake fluid pressure to prevent each This is normal and indicates that the anti-
The sensor for the Preview Function is wheel from locking. By preventing wheellock system is working properly. However,
lockup, the system helps the driver main-the ABS operation may indicate that road
common with Intelligent Cruise Control
and is located below the front bumper.tain steering control and helps to mini- conditions are hazardous and extra care
mize swerving and spinning on slipperyis required while driving.
To keep the Preview Function operatingsurfaces.
properly, be sure to observe the fol- Using the systemSelf-test feature
lowing: The anti-lock brake system consists of
O Always keep the sensor clean.Depress the brake pedal and hold it electronic sensors, electric pumps, and
Wipe with a soft cloth carefully so asdown. hydraulic solenoids controlled by a com-
not to damage them. WARNING puter. The computer has a built-in diag-
O Do not impact the areas around the nostic feature that tests the system each
sensor. Do not touch or disassemble time you start the engine and move the
the screw located on the sensor.Do not pump the brake pedal. Doing sovehicle at a low speed in forward or re-
Doing so could cause failure or mal-may result in increased stopping distances.verse. When the self-test occurs, you may
function. If the sensor installation part hear a clank noise and/or feel a pulsation
is deformed due to an accident, con- Normal operationin the brake pedal. This is normal and is
tact an INFINITI dealer. not an indication of any malfunction. If
The anti-lock brake system will not op- the computer senses any malfunction, it
O Do not attach a sticker (includingerate at speeds below 3 to 6 MPH (5 toswitches the anti-lock brake system OFF
transparent material) or install an ac-10 km/h). The speeds will vary accordingand turns on the ABS brake warning light
cessory near the sensor. This could in the instrument panel. The brake system
to road conditions. When the anti-lock
cause failure or malfunction.system senses that one or more wheels will then behave normally, but without
ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS)are close to locking up, the actuator (un-anti-lock assistance.
der the hood) rapidly applies and re- If the light comes on during the self-test,
The anti-lock brake system controls the or while you are driving, you should take
leases hydraulic pressure (like pumping
brakes so the wheels will not lock whenthe brakes very quickly). While the actua-your vehicle to your INFINITI dealer for
Starting and driving 5-43
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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