owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
repair at your earliest convenience. Whenaccelerating or driving on a slippery
tion label. See “9. Technical and con-surface, the tires may spin or slide. With
WARNING sumer information” section of thisthe Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system,
manual. sensors detect these movements and con-
Theanti-lockbrakesystemisasophisticated trol the braking and engine output to help
device, but it cannot prevent accidents re- improvevehiclestability.
sulting from careless or dangerous driving O WhentheVDCsystemisoperating,the
techniques.Itcanhelpmaintainvehiclecon- “SLIP” indicator in the instrument
trol during braking on slippery surfaces, but panelblinks.
rememberthatthestoppingdistanceonslip- O WhenonlytheTractionControl System
pery surfaces will be longer than on normal (TCS)portionoftheVDCsystemisoper-
surfaces even with the anti-lock system. ating,the“SLIP”indicatorintheinstru-
Stopping distances may also be longer on mentpanelblinks.
rough, gravel or snow covered roads, or if O Ifthe“SLIP”indicator blinks, the road
youareusingtirechains.Tiretypeandcondi- conditions are slippery. Be sure to ad-
tionoftiresmayalsoaffectbrakingeffective- just your speed and driving to these
ness. Always maintain a safe distance from conditions. Be sure to drive carefully.
thevehicle in front of you. Ultimately, the re- See“SLIPINDICATORLIGHT”,and“VE-
sponsibilityforsafetyofselfandothersrests HICLE DYNAMIC CONTROL (VDC) OFF
in the handsofthedriver. INDICATOR LIGHT” in the “2. Instru-
O When replacing tires, install the speci- mentsandcontrols”section.
fied size of tires on all four wheels. O Indicatorlight
O Wheninstallingasparetire,makesureit If a malfunction occurs in the system,
is the proper size and type as specified the “SLIP” and “VDC OFF” indicator
on the Tire and Loading Informa- lights illuminate in the instrument
panel. As long as these warning lights
are illuminated, the VDC system func-
tion is canceled.
5-44 Startinganddriving

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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