owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
222 Driving systems
Driving Assistance PLUS package iUSAonly:Thisdevicehasbeenapproved
General notes bytheFCCasa"VehicularRadarSystem".
The radar sensor is intended for use in an
The Driving Assistance PLUS package con-automotive radar system only. Removal,
g sistsofDISTRONICPLUS(Ypage183),Activetampering,oralteringofthedevicewillvoid
Blind Spot Assist (Y page 222) and Activeanywarranties,andisnotpermittedbythe
Lane Keeping Assist (Y page 225). FCC. Do not tamper with, alter, or use in
parkin any non-approved way.
d Active Blind Spot Assist Anyunauthorized modification to this
device could void the user's authority to
anGeneral notes operate the equipment.
g Active Blind Spot Assist uses a radar sensoriCanadaonly:Thisdevicecomplieswith
i system, pointed toward the rear of the vehi-
v RSS-210ofIndustry Canada. Operation is
i cle, to monitor the area to the sides of the
r subject to the following two conditions:
D vehicle which the driver is unable to see. A1. This device may not cause harmful inter-
warning display in the exterior mirrors drawsference, and
your attention to vehicles detected in the2.Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterfere
monitoredarea.Ifyouthenswitchonthecor- nce
ceived, including interference that may
responding turn signal to change lane, youre
will also receive an optical and audible warn-cause undesired operation of the device.
ing. If a risk of lateral collision is detected,Removal, tampering, or altering of the
corrective braking may help you avoid a col-device will void any warranties, and is not
lision. Beforeacourse-correctingbrakeappli-permitted.Donottamperwith,alter,oruse
cation, Active Blind Spot Assist evaluates thein any non-approved way.
space in the direction of travel and at theAnyunauthorized modification to this
sidesofthevehicle.Forthis,ActiveBlindSpotdevice could void the user's authority to
Assist uses the forward-facing radar sensors.operate the equipment.
Active Blind Spot Assist supports you from aRadarsensors
speed of approximately 20 mph (30 km/h).TheActiveBlindSpotAssistradarsensorsare
Important safety notes integrated into the front and rear bumpers
Active Blind Spot Assist is only an aid and isandbehindacoverintheradiatortrim.Make
not a substitute for attentive driving.sure that the bumpers and the cover in the
GWARNING radiator grill are free of dirt, ice or slush. The
rear sensors must not be covered, e.g. by
Active Blind Spot Assist does not react to:bicycleracksoroverhangingloads.Following
Rvehicles overtaken too closely on the side,a severe impact or in the event of damage to
placing them in the blind spot areathe bumpers, have the function of the radar
Rvehicleswhichapproachwithalargespeedsensors checked at a qualified specialist
differential and overtake your vehicleworkshop. Active Blind Spot Assist may oth-
Asaresult, Active Blind Spot Assist may nei-erwise no longer work properly.
ther give warnings nor intervene in such sit-Monitoring area
uations. There is a risk of an accident.GWARNING
Always observe the traffic conditions care-Active Blind Spot Assist does not detect all
fully, and maintain a safe lateral distance.traffic situations and road users. There is a
risk of an accident.

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year of production from: 2015

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