owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
234 Towingatrailer
XMakesurethattheautomatictransmissionPermissible trailer loads and trailer
is set to position P. drawbarnoseweights
XApplythevehicle's parking brake.Weightspecifications
XCloseall doors and the tailgate.
XApplythetrailer's parking brake.The gross trailer weight is calculated by add-
XRemovethetrailer cable and decouple theing the weight of the trailer to the weight of
trailer. the load and equipment on the trailer.
parking Youwill find installing dimensions and loads
under "Technical data" (Y page 415).
andRemovingtheballcoupling Loading a trailer
XRemovethespringcotter. RWhenloadingthetrailer, make sure that
rivingXRemovetheboltfromtheballcouplingneither the permissible gross weight of the
D recess. trailer nor the gross vehicle weight is
XRemovetheballcouplingfromtheballcou-exceeded. The permissible gross vehicle
pling recess. weight is indicated on the identification
XCleantheball coupling if it is dirty.plate on the B-pillar on the driver's side of
XStowtheballcoupling so that it cannot bethe vehicle.
thrown around. Youcanfindthemaximumpermissibleval-
Observe the loading guidelines (Y page 306)ues on the type plates of your vehicle and
and the safety notes regarding stowagethe trailer. When calculating how much
spaces (Y page 306). weight the vehicle and trailer may carry,
Informationoncleaningandcareofthetrailerpay attention to the respective lowest val-
tow hitch ( ues.
Ypage349). RThetrailerdrawbarloadontheballcoupling
Trailer power supply exceeding the permissible gross axle
weight. The permissible gross vehicle
Thetrailer socket of your vehicle is equippedweight is indicated on the identification
atthefactorywithapermanentpowersupply.plate on the B-pillar on the driver's side of
The permanent power supply is supplied viathe vehicle.
trailer socket pin 4. iMercedes-Benzrecommendsatrailer
!Accessorieswithamaximumpowercon- load where the trailer drawbar noseweight
sumptionof180Wcanbeconnectedtotheaccounts for 8% to 15% of the trailer's per-
permanent power supply. missible gross weight.
the power supply. gers and loads reduces:
The trailer's permanent power supply isRthepermissible trailer load
switchedoffintheeventoflowvehiclesupplyRthepermissible noseweight that your
voltage and after six hours at the latest.vehicle can tow
Aqualified specialist workshop can provide
moreinformation about installing the trailer

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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