owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
220 Driving systems
Display in the assistance graphicmeansofintermittent vibration in the steer-
ing wheel for up to 1.5 seconds.
Important safety notes
Lane Keeping Assist may not always clearly
recognize lane markings.
parkin In this case, Lane Keeping Assist may:
d Rgiveanunnecessarywarning
an Rnotgiveawarning
g There is a risk of an accident.
i WhenBlindSpotAssist is activated, grayAlways pay particular attention to the traffic
i radar waves propagating backwards appearsituation and stay in lane, in particular if
D nexttothevehicleintheassistancedisplayinwarned by Lane Keeping Assist.
the multifunction display. Above a speed of
20mph(30km/h),thecoloroftheradar GWARNING
waves in the assistance display changes toThe Lane Keeping Assist warning does not
green ;. Blind Spot Assist is then ready forreturnthevehicletotheoriginallane.Thereis
use. a risk of an accident.
LaneKeepingAssist Youshould always steer, brake or accelerate
yourself, in particular if warned by Lane Keep-
General notes ing Assist.
If you fail to adapt your driving style, Lane
Keeping Assist can neither reduce the risk of
anaccident nor override the laws of physics.
Keeping Assist is merely an aid. You are
responsible for the distance to the vehicle in
front, for vehicle speed, for braking in good
time and for staying in your lane.
The Lane Keeping Assist does not keep the
vehicle in the lane.
Lane Keeping Assist monitors the area inThesystemmaybeimpairedormaynotfunc-
front of your vehicle by means of multifunc-tion if:
tion camera : which is attached behind the
top of the windshield. Active Lane KeepingRthereis poor visibility, e.g. due to insuffi-
Assist detects lane markings on the road andcient illumination of the road, or due to
canwarnyoubeforeyouleaveyourlaneunin-snow, rain, fog or spray
tentionally. Rthereis glare, e.g. from oncoming traffic,
Thisfunctionisavailableintherangebetweenthe sun or reflections (e.g. when the road
40mphand120mph(60km/hand surface is wet)
200km/h). Rthewindshieldisdirty,foggedup,damaged
Awarning may be given if a front wheelor covered, for instance by a sticker, in the
passesoveralanemarking.Itwillwarnyoubyvicinity of the camera

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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