owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
232 Towingatrailer
cleaned, removetheballcoupling. The traileriVehicleswithAIRBODYCONTROL:ifyou
tow hitch must then not be used to tow acouple up a trailer, the vehicle always
trailer, as safe operation cannot be guaran-remainsathighwaylevel.Whencouplingup
teed. a trailer, please observe the following:
HavetheentiretrailertowhitchcheckedataRUnlesshighwaylevel has been set man-
ngqualified specialist workshop. ually, the vehicle is automatically low-
parkiCoupling up a trailer speed of 5 mph (8 km/h) is reached.
These restrictions apply to all accessories
g (if featured) to the hydraulic brake systempowersocketofyourvehicle,e.g.abicycle
n of the towing vehicle, as the latter is equip-carrier.
riviped with an anti-lock brake system. DoingObserve the maximum permissible trailer
D so will result in a loss of function of thedimensions (width and length).
brake systems of both the vehicle and theMostU.S. states and all Canadian provinces
trailer. require by law:
XShift the transmission to position P.RSafety chains between the towing vehicle
XApplythevehicle's electric parking brake.andthetrailer.Thechainsshouldbecross-
XStart the engine. woundunderthetrailerdrawbar.Theymust
XVehicleswithAIRBODYCONTROL: be fastened to the vehicle's trailer cou-
select Comfort driving program or Trailerpling, not to the bumper or the axle.
off-road program. Leave enough play in the chains to make
XSwitchoff the engine. tight cornering possible.
XClosethedoorsandtailgate. RAseparatebrakesystemforcertain types
XCoupleupthetrailer. of trailer.
XEstablish the electrical connectionRSafetyswitchforbrakedtrailers.Checkthe
between the vehicle and the trailer.specific legal requirements applicable to
XCheckthatthetrailer lighting system isyour state.
working. If the trailer becomes detached from the
XPushthecombinationswitch upwards/ towing vehicle, the safety switch applies
downwardsandcheckwhetherthecorre- the trailer brakes.
sponding turn signal on the trailer flashes.
Atrailer that is connected is recognized onlyTowingatrailer
whentheelectricalconnectionisestablishedThere are numerous legal requirements con-
correctly and when the lighting system iscerning the towing of a trailer, e.g. speed
working properly. The function of other sys-restrictions. Make sure that your car/trailer
tems also depends on this, for example:combination complies with the local regula-
RESP® tions:
RPARKTRONIC Rinyourplace of residence
RActive Parking Assist Rinthelocation to which you are driving
RActive Blind Spot Assist The police and local authorities can provide
RActive Lane Keeping Assist reliable information.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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