owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
212 Driving systems
Activating the 360° camera using Displays in the Audio 20 or COMAND
reverse gear display
The 360° camera images can be automati-Important safety notes
g cally displayed by engaging reverse gear.The camera system may show a distorted
XMakesurethattheSmartKeyisinposi- view of obstacles, show them incorrectly or
rkintion 2 in the ignition lock. not at all. Obstacles are not shown by the
a XMakesurethattheActivation by R system in the following locations:
p gear function is selected in Audio 20 orRunderthefront and rear bumpers
COMAND(seetheDigitalOperator's Man-
andual). Rveryclose to the front and rear bumpers
XToshowthe360°cameraimage:engage R
ingreverse gear. Rinclose range above the handle on the
iv Theareabehindthevehicleisshowninthetrunk lid
Dr Audio 20 or COMAND display in split-Rveryclose to the exterior mirrors
screen mode. You see the top view of theRinthetransitional areas between the vari-
vehicle and the image from the rear viewous cameras in the virtual top view
camera. !Objectsnotatgroundlevelmayappearto
Selecting the split-screen view or fullbefurtherawaythantheyactuallyare,e.g.:
screen mode Rthebumperofaparkedvehicle
Switching between split screen views:Rthedrawbarofatrailer
Rtheball coupling of a trailer tow hitch
XToswitchtothelinewiththevehicleicons:Rtherearsection of an HGV
slide 5thecontroller. Raslantedpost
XToselectavehicleicon:turnthecontroller.Usetheguidelines only for orientation.
Switching to full screen mode: Approach objects no further than the bot-
X180° ViewTurnandpressthecontroller.tom-most guideline.
iThefullscreenoptionisonlyavailable inTopviewwithpicturefromtherearview
the following views: camera
RTopviewwithpicture from the rear view
imately 13 ft (4.0 m) from the rear of the
;Symbolforthesplitscreensetting with
top view and rear view camera image

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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