owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Driving systems 217
RSnowfall or heavy rain may lead to a parkingActive Parking Assist does not assist you park-
space being measured inaccurately.ing in spaces at right angles to the direction of
RPayattention to the PARKTRONIC travel if:
( Rtwoparkingspacesarelocated directly next
parking procedure. to one another
RYoucaninterveneinthesteering procedureRtheparking space is directly next to a lowng
tocorrectitatanytime.ActiveParkingAssistobstacle such as a low curb
will then be canceled. Ryouparkforwards
RWhentransporting a load which protrudesActive Parking Assist does not assist you park-parki
from your vehicle, you should not use Activeing in spaces that are parallel or at right angles
Parking Assist. to the direction of travel if:
RNeveruseActiveParking Assist when snow and
chains are installed. Rtheparking space is on a curb g
RMakesurethatthetirepressures are alwaysRthesystemreadstheparkingspaceasbeingn
blocked, for example by foliage or grass pav-i
correct. This has a direct influence on the v
parking characteristics of the vehicle.ing blocks r
UseActive Parking Assist for parking spaces:Rtheareaistoosmallforthevehicletomaneu-D
ver into
Rparallel or at right angles to the direction ofRtheparkingspaceisborderedbyanobstacle,
travel e.g. a tree, a post or a trailer
Rthatareonstraight roads, not bends
Detecting parking spaces
Parking Assist will not be detected when the
into account whentheparkingprocedureiscal-
culated, e.g. overhanging loads, tail sections or
loading ramps of goods vehicles.
GWARNING :Detectedparkingspaceontheleft
If thereareobjectsabovethedetectionrange:;Parkingsymbol
RActive Park Assist may steer too early=Detectedparkingspaceontheright
Rthevehicle may not stop in front of theseActive Parking Assist is switched on automati-
objects cally when driving forwards. The system is
operational at speeds of up to approximately
Youmaycauseacollisionasaresult.Thereis22mph(35km/h).Whileinoperation, the sys-
a risk of an accident. temindependently locates and measures park-
If objects are located above the detectioning spaces on both sides of the vehicle.
range, stop and deactivate Active ParkingActive Parking Assist will only detect parking
Assist. spaces:
Rparallel or at right angles to the direction of
For further information on the detection rangetravel
(Y page 214). Rthatareparallel to the direction of travel and
at least 59 in (1.5 m) wide
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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