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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Driving systems 207
DISTRONICPLUSattraffic lights with crossingDISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssist and
traffic, for example, could cause your vehicle toStop&GoPilot does not detect road and traffic
pull away unintentionally. conditions.Ifyouarefollowingavehiclewhichis
driving towards the edge of the road, your vehi-
DISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssist cle could come into contact with the curb or
andStop&GoPilot other road boundaries. Be particularly aware ofg
other road users, e.g. cyclists, that are directly
General notes next to your vehicle.
or projecting out into the lane are not detected.parkin
intentionally driving over a lane marking, can bean
corrected at any time if you steer slightly in theg
opposite direction. n
DISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssist andivi
Stop&GoPilot cannot continuously keep yourr
vehicle in lane. In some cases, the steeringD
intervention is not sufficient to bring the vehicle
back to the lane. In such cases, you must steer
the vehicle yourself to ensure that it does not
leave the lane.
DISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssist andThe support provided by the system can be
Stop&GoPilotaidsyouinkeepingthevehicleinimpaired if:
the center of the driving lane by means of mod-
erate steering interventions at speeds ofRthereispoorvisibility, e.g. due to insufficient
ad, or due to snow, rain,
0-125mph(0-200km/h). illumination of the ro
It monitors the area in front of your vehicle byfog or spray
meansofmultifunctioncamera:,atthetopofRthereis glare, e.g. from oncoming traffic, the
the windshield. sunorreflections(e.g.whentheroadsurface
Atspeedsof0-37mph(0-60km/h),Stop&Go is wet)
Pilot focuses on the vehicle in front, taking intoRthewindshieldisdirty,foggedup,damagedor
cles in a traffic jam. ity of the camera
At speeds of more than 37 mph (60 km/h)Rthereareno,severalorunclearlanemarkings
Steering Assist focuses on detected lane mark-foralane,e.g.inareaswithroadconstruction
ings (left and right), and only on the vehicle inwork
front if lane markings are missing.Rthelanemarkingsarewornaway,darkorcov-
Steering Assist and Stop&Go Pilot do not pro-ered up, e.g. by dirt or snow
DISTRONICPLUSmustbeactiveinorderfortheand the lane markings thus cannot be detec-
function to be available. ted
Important safety notes Rthelanemarkingschangequickly, e.g. lanes
branch off, cross one another or merge
If you fail to adapt your driving style, DISTRONICRtheroadisnarrowandwinding
PLUSwithSteering Assist and Stop&Go PilotRtherearestrong shadows cast on the road
can neither reduce the risk of an accident norThesystemisswitchedtopassiveandnolonger
override the laws of physics. It cannot takeassistsyoubyperformingsteeringinterventions
DISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssist and
Stop&GoPilotisonlyanaid.YouareresponsibleRyouactively change lane
fo Ryouswitchontheturnsignal
r the distance to the vehicle in front, for vehi-
cle speed, for braking in good time and for stay-Rtakeyourhandsoffthesteering wheel or do
ing in your lane. not steer for a prolonged period of time
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