owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Driving systems 219
Assoonastheparkingprocedureis complete,vehicle exits the parking space. You are
the Park Assist Switched Off messageresponsible for braking in good time.
appearsandawarningtonesounds.ThevehicleXStart the engine.
is now parked. The vehicle is kept stationaryXReleasetheelectric parking brake.
without the driver having to depress the brakeXSwitchontheturnsignalinthedirection you
pedal. The braking effect is canceled when youwill drive out of the parking space.g
depress the accelerator pedal.
Active Parking Assist no longer supports youXShift the transmission to position D or R.
with steering interventions and brake applica-TheStart Park Assist?Yes: OKNo:%
tions. When Active Parking Assist is finished,messageappearsinthemultifunctiondisplay.parkin
you must steer and brake again yourself.XTocanceltheprocedure:pressthe%d
PARKTRONICisstill available. buttononthemultifunctionsteeringwheeloran
Parking tips: pull away. g
RThewayyourvehicleispositionedinthepark-or n
ing space after parking is dependent on vari- v
ous factors. These include the position andingAssist:presstheabuttononthemul-r
shape of the vehicles parked in front andtifunction steering wheel.D
behinditandtheconditionsofthelocation.ItThe Park Assist Active Accelerate
maybethecasethatActiveParking Assistand Brake Observe Surroundingsmes-
guidesyoutoofarintoaparkingspace,ornotsage appears in the multifunction display.
far enough into it. In some cases, it may alsoXLetgoofthemultifunction steering wheel.
youshouldcanceltheparkingprocedurewithnot exceed a maximum speed of approx-
Active Parking Assist. imately6mph(10km/h)whenexitingapark-
RYoucanalsoselectpreselect transmissioning space. Otherwise Active Parking Assist
positionD.Thevehicleredirectsanddoesnotwill be canceled.
driveasfarintotheparkingspace.ShouldtheXShift the transmission to position D or R as
transmissionchangetakeplacetooearly,therequired or according to the message while
parking procedure will be canceled. A sensi-the vehicle is stationary.
ble parking position can no longer be ach-Active Parking Assist immediately steers in
ieved from this position. the other direction. The Park Assist
Exiting a parking space Active Accelerate and Brake Observe
Surroundingsmessageappearsin the mul-
In order that Active Parking Assist can supporttifunction display.
you when you exit the parking space:iYouwillachievethebestresultsbywaiting
Rtheborderoftheparkingspacemustbehighpulling away.
enoughatthefrontandtherear.AcurbistooIf you back up after activation, the steering
small, for example. wheel is moved to the straight-ahead posi-
Rtheborderoftheparking space must not betion.
too wide, as the position of the vehicle mustXDriveforwards and back up as prompted by
not exceed an angle of 45° to the startingthe PARKTRONIC warning displays, several
position as it is maneuvering into the parkingtimes if necessary.
Ramaneuveringdistanceofatleast 3.3 ftOnceyouhaveexitedtheparking space com-
(1.0 m) must be available. pletely, the steering wheel is moved to the
Active Parking Assist can only assist you withstraight-aheadposition.Youhearatoneandthe
exiting a parking space if you have parked thePark Assist Switched Offmessageappears
vehicle parallel to the direction of travel usingin the multifunction display. You will then have
Active Parking Assist. to steer and merge into traffic on your own.
If PARKTRONIC detects obstacles, ActivePARKTRONICisstillavailable.Youcantakeover
i the steering, before the vehicle has exited the
ParkingAssistbrakesautomaticallywhilsttheparking space completely. This is useful, for
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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