owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
218 Driving systems
Rthatareparallel to the direction of travel andiWhenPARKTRONICdetectsobstacles,
at least 39.5 in (1.0 m) longer than your vehi-Active Parking Assist brakes automatically
cle during the parking process. You are respon-
Rthatareatright angles to the direction ofsible for braking in good time.
travel and at least 39.5 in (1.0 m) wider thanXStopthevehiclewhentheparkingspacesym-
your vehicle bol shows the desired parking space in the
ingiNotethatActiveParkingAssistcannotinstrument cluster.
k measure the size of a parking space if it is atXShift the transmission to position R.
par right angles to the direction of travel. You willTheStart Park Assist?Yes: OKNo:%
and the parking space. XTocanceltheprocedure:pressthe%
Whendriving at speeds below 19 mphbuttononthemultifunctionsteeringwheelor
(30 km/h),youwillseetheparkingsymbolasapull away.
a parking space has been detected, an arrowXToparkusingActiveParkingAssist:press
Drtowards the right or the left also appears. Bytheabuttononthemultifunctionsteering
ing spaces on the front-passenger side. ParkingThe Park Assist Active Accelerate
spaces on the driver's side are displayed asand Brake Observe Surroundingsmes-
soon as the turn signal on the driver's side issage appears in the multifunction display.
activated. When parking on the driver's side,XLetgoofthemultifunction steering wheel.
edge the use of Active Parking Assist by press-XBackupthevehicle,beingreadytobrakeatall
ing the abuttononthemultifunction steer-times. When backing up, drive at a speed
ingwheel.Thesystemautomaticallydeterminesbelow approximately 6 mph (10 km/h). Oth-
whether the parking space is parallel or at righterwiseActiveParkingAssistwillbecanceled.
angles to the direction of travel.Active Parking Assist brakes the vehicle to a
Aparking space is displayed while you are driv-standstill when the vehicle approaches the
ing past it, and until you are approximately 50 ftrear border of the parking space.
(15 m) away from it. Maneuveringmayberequiredintightparking
Parking ThePark Assist Active Select DObserve
GWARNING Surroundingsmessageappearsinthemulti-
function display.
If you leave the vehicle when it is only beingXShiftthetransmissiontopositionDwhile the
braked by Active Parking Assist it could rollvehicle is stationary.
awayif: Active Parking Assist immediately steers in
the other direction.
Rthereis a malfunction in the system or inThe Park Assist Active Accelerate
the voltage supply. and Brake Observe Surroundingsmes-
Rtheelectrical system in the engine com-sage appears in the multifunction display.
partment, the battery or the fuses haveiYouwillachievethebestresultsbywaiting
been tampered with. forthesteeringproceduretocompletebefore
Rthebattery is disconnected. pulling away.
Rtheaccelerator pedal has been depressed,XDriveforwards and be ready to brake at all
e.g. by a vehicle occupant. times.
There is a risk of an accident. Active Parking Assist brakes the vehicle to a
Before leaving the vehicle, always secure itThePark Assist Active Select RObserve
against rolling away. Surroundingsmessageappearsinthemulti-
function display.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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