owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Driving systems 201
Cruise control lever Activating
:Toactivateorincreasespeed XBriefly pull the cruise control lever towardsiving
;Toactivateorreducespeed you ;,up:ordown=.
speed ments(1km/hincrements):brieflypress
ATosetthespecifiedminimumdistance thecruisecontrolleverup:tothepressure
point for a higher speed, or down = for a
Activating DISTRONIC PLUS lower speed.
Every time the cruise control lever is pressed
Activation conditions upordown,thelastspeedstoredisincreased
or reduced.
In order to activate DISTRONIC PLUS, the fol-or
lowing conditions must be fulfilled:XToadjustthesetspeedin5mphincre-
two minutes after pulling away beforethe cruise control lever up : past the pres-
DISTRONICPLUSisoperational. sure point for a higher speed, or down = for
Rtheelectric parking brake must be released.a lower speed.
R ® Every time the cruise control lever is pressed
ESP mustbeactive,butnotintervening.upordown,thelastspeedstoredisincreased
RActive Parking Assist must not be activated.or reduced.
Rthetransmission must be in position D.XRemoveyourfootfromtheacceleratorpedal.
Rthedriver's door must be closed when youYour vehicle adapts its speed to that of the
shift from P to D or your seat belt must bevehicle in front, but only up to the desired
fastened. stored speed.
be closed. pedal,theDISTRONIC PLUS Suspendedmes-
set distance to a slower-moving vehicle in
front will then not be maintained. You will be
driving at the speed you determine by the
position of the accelerator pedal.
Youcanalsoactivate DISTRONIC PLUS when
stationary. The lowest speed that can be set is
XBriefly pull the cruise control lever towards
you ;orpressitup:ordown=.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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