owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Driving systems 199
Cruise control is not deactivated if youChangeinto a lower gear in good time on long
i and steep downhill gradients. This is especially
ate to overtake, cruise control adjusts thewill makeuseofthebrakingeffectoftheengine.
vehicle's speed to the last speed stored afterThis relieves the load on the brake system and
you have finished overtaking. preventsthebrakesfromoverheatingandwear-g
Deactivating cruise control ing too quickly.
If DISTRONICPLUSdetectsthatthereisariskof
a collision, you will be warned visually and
collision without your intervention. An intermit-d
tent warning tone will then sound and the dis-an
tance warning lamp will light up in the instru-g
mentcluster. Brake immediately in order ton
increase the distance to the vehicle in front orivi
take evasive action provided it is safe to do so.r
DISTRONICPLUSoperatesinrangebetween D
roads with steep gradients.
trol: tectorso
canresembletheradarde f the respon-
XBriefly press cruise the control lever for-sible authorities. You can refer to the relevant
wards :. chapter in the Operator's Manual if questions
or are asked about this.
XBrake. iUSAonly:Thisdevicehasbeenapprovedby
Cruise control is automatically deactivated if:the FCC as a "Vehicular Radar System". The
radar sensor is intended for use in an auto-
Ryouengagetheelectric parking brake motive radar system only. Removal, tamper-
Ryouaredrivingatlessthan20mph(30km/h) ing, or altering of the device will void any war-
R ® ® ranties, and is not permitted by the FCC. Do
ESP intervenes or you deactivate ESP not tamper with, alter, or use in any non-
RyoushiftthetransmissiontopositionNwhileapproved way.
driving Anyunauthorized modification to this device
If cruise control is deactivated, you will hear acould void the user's authority to operate the
warning tone. You will see the Cruise Con‐equipment.
trol OffmessageinthemultifunctiondisplayiCanadaonly:Thisdevicecomplieswith
for approximately five seconds.
iWhenyouswitchofftheengine,thelast RSS-210ofIndustry Canada. Operation is
speed stored is cleared. subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful inter-
ference, and
DISTRONICPLUS 2. This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may
General notes cause undesired operation of the device.
Removal, tampering, or altering of the device
DISTRONICPLUSregulatesthespeedandauto- will void any warranties, and is not permitted.
matically helps you maintainthedistancetotheDonottamperwith, alter, or use in any non-
vehicle detected in front. Vehicles are detectedapproved way.
with the aid of the radar sensor system.Anyunauthorized modification to this device
DISTRONICPLUSbrakesautomatically so thatcould void the user's authority to operate the
the set speed is not exceeded. equipment.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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