owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
200 Driving systems
Important safety notes If you fail to adapt your driving style, DISTRONIC
GWARNING override the laws of physics. DISTRONIC PLUS
DISTRONICPLUSdoesnotreactto: cannot take into account the road, traffic and
Rpeopleoranimals aid. You are responsible for the distance to the
Rstationaryobstaclesontheroad,e.g.stop-vehicle in front, for vehicle speed, for braking in
pedorparkedvehicles good time and for staying in your lane.
Asaresult,DISTRONICPLUSmayneithergiveRinroadandtraffic conditions which do not
warnings nor intervene in such situations.allowyoutomaintainaconstantspeed,e.g.in
and heavy traffic or on winding roads
There is a risk of an accident. Ronslippery road surfaces. Braking or accel-
ingAlways pay careful attention to the traffic sit-erating could cause the drive wheels to lose
rivuation and be ready to brake. traction and the vehicle could then skid
D Rwhenthereispoorvisibility, e.g. due to fog,
GWARNING heavy rain or snow
tify other road users and complex traffic sit-cles driving in front, e.g. motorcycles, or vehi-
uations. cles driving on a different line.
In particular, the detection of obstacles can be
In such cases, DISTRONIC PLUS may:impaired if:
RgiveanunnecessarywarningandthenRthereis dirt on the sensors or anything else
brake the vehicle covering the sensors
Rneither give a warning nor interveneRthereis snow or heavy rain
Rthereis interference by other radar sources
Raccelerate or brake unexpectedly
There is a risk of an accident. Rtherearestrong radar reflections, for exam-
ple, in parking garages
Continue to drive carefully and be ready toONICPLUSnolongerdetectsavehicle
brake, in particular when warned to do so byin front, DISTRONIC PLUS may unexpectedly
DISTRONICPLUS. accelerate the vehicle to the stored speed.
This speed may:
GWARNING Rbetoohighifyouaredrivinginafilterlaneor
DISTRONICPLUSbrakesyourvehiclewithupan exit lane
If this brakingforceisinsufficient,DISTRONICcles driving on the left (left-hand drive coun-
a risk of an accident. Rbesohighintheleftlanethat you pass vehi-
In such cases, apply the brakes yourself andcles driving on the right (right-hand drive
try to take evasive action. If there is a change of drivers, advise the new
driver of the speed stored.
activated, the vehicle brakes automatically in
certain situations.
the following or other similar situations:
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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