owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Driving systems 203
If these conditions are fulfilled, your vehicle isWhenDISTRONICPLUSisactivated, the trans-
accelerated. Acceleration will be interrupted ifmission is shifted automatically to position P if:
changing lanes takes too long or if the distanceRthedriver's seat belt is not fastened and the
between your vehicle and the vehicle in frontdriver's door is open.
Whenyouchangelanes,DISTRONICPLUSRtheengineisswitched off, unless it is auto-
i matically switched off by the ECO start/stop
monitors the left lane on left-hand-drive vehi-function. ing
clesortherightlaneonright-hand-drivevehi-The electric parking brake secures the vehiclek
cles. automatically if DISTRONIC PLUS is activatedpar
Stopping whenthevehicle is stationary and:
GWARNING Rasystemmalfunctionoccurs. and
Whenleaving the vehicle, even if it is brakedRthepowersupplyisnotsufficient.
onlybyDISTRONICPLUS,itcouldrollawayif:If a malfunction in the electric parking brake
occurs, then the transmission may also be shif-iving
Rthereis a malfunction in the system or inted into position P automatically.Dr
the voltage supply. Setting a speed
with the cruise control lever, e.g. by a vehi-
cle occupant or from outside the vehicle.
Rtheelectrical system in the engine com-
partment, the battery or the fuses have
been tampered with.
Rthebattery is disconnected.
Rtheaccelerator pedal has been depressed,
e.g. by a vehicle occupant.
There is a risk of an accident.
If you wish to exit the vehicle, always turn off
DISTRONICPLUSandsecurethevehicleXPressthecruise control lever up : for a
against rolling away. higher speed or down ; for a lower speed.
For further information on deactivatingments(1km/hincrements):brieflypress
Ypage205). the cruise control lever up : or down ; to
If DISTRONIC PLUS detects that the vehicle inthe pressure point.
front is stopping, it brakes your vehicle until it isEvery time the cruise control lever is pressed
stationary. up:ordown;thelastspeedstoredis
Onceyourvehicle is stationary, it remains sta-increased or reduced.
tionary and you do not need to depress theXToadjustthesetspeedin5mphincre-
brake. ments(10km/hincrements):brieflypress
After a time, the electric parking brake securesthe cruise control lever up : or down ; to
the vehicle and relieves the service brake.the pressure point.
Depending on the specified minimum distance,Every time the cruise control lever is pressed
your vehicle will come to a standstill at a suffi-up:ordown;,thelastspeedstoredis
cient distance behind the vehicle in front. Theincreased or reduced.
specified minimum distance is set using theiIfyouacceleratetoovertake, DISTRONIC
control on the cruise control lever.PLUSadjusts the vehicle's speed to the last
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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