owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
198 Driving systems
Whenyouactivate cruise control, the stored
speed is shown in the multifunction display for
five seconds.Inthespeedometer,thesegments
between the stored speed and the maximum
speed light up.
ingStoring and maintaining the current
k speed
and XBriefly pull the cruise control lever towards
you :.
iving XRemoveyourfootfromtheacceleratorpedal.
Dr The first time cruise control is activated, it
stores the current speed or regulates the
speed of the vehicle to the previously stored
Youcanstorethecurrent speed if you are driv-Setting a speed
ing faster than 20 mph (30 km/h).
XAccelerate the vehicle to the desired speed.
XBriefly press the cruise control lever up : or
Cruise control is activated. The vehicle auto-
matically maintains the stored speed.
the stored speed on uphill gradients. The
stored speed is resumed when the gradient
evens out. Cruise control maintains the
stored speed on downhill gradients by auto-Keepin mind that it may take a brief moment
matically applying the brakes. until the vehicle has accelerated or braked to
Calling up the last speed stored the speed set.
XPressthecruise control lever up : for a
GWARNING higher speed or down ; for a lower speed.
If you call up the stored speed and it is lowerXToadjustthesetspeedin1mphincre-
than the current speed, the vehicle deceler-the cruise control lever up : or down ; to
ates.If youdonotknowthestoredspeed,thethe pressure point.
vehicle could decelerate unexpectedly. ThereEvery time the cruise control lever is pressed
is a risk of an accident. up:ordown;thelastspeedstoredis
Pay attention to the road and traffic condi-increased or reduced.
donotknowthestoredspeed,storethe ments(10km/hincrements):brieflypress
the cruise control lever up : or down ; to
desired speed again. the pressure point.
Every time the cruise control lever is pressed
increased or reduced.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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