owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
To make sure the maximum towable
weight is not exceeded (given in the log
book) account should be taken of the fullyThe towing device should be fastened to
laden trailer, including accessories and per-the body by specialised personnel according
WARNINGS AND sonal belongings. to the following instructions and any addi-
SUGGESTIONS tional and/or integrative information sup-
Drive within the permitted speed limits forplied by the Manufacturer of the device.
For towing caravans or trailers the vehi-
vehicles with trailers. In any case the maxi-The towing device must meet current reg-
cle must be fitted with a certified tow hookkm/h. mum speed should never exceed 100ulations with reference to 94/20/EC Di-
and an adequate electric system. Installa- rective and subsequent amendments.
tion should be carried out by specialised per-
sonnel who release a special document for For any version the towing device used
circulation on the road. WARNING must match the towable weight of the ve-CORRECT USE OF THE CAR
Install any specific and/or additional rear- hicle on which it is to be installed.
view mirrors as specified by law. RememberThe ABS system with
that when towing a trailer, steep hills arewhich the car may be fittedFor the electric connection a unified con-
harder to climb, the braking spaces increasedoes not control the trailer brakingnector should be used which is generally
and overtaking takes longer depending onsystem. Particular care is thereforeplaced on a special bracket normally fas-
the overall weight. necessary on slippery surfaces.tened to the towing device.
Engage a low gear when driving downhill,
rather than constantly using the brake.
The weight the trailer exerts on the vehi-
cle tow hook reduces by the same amountWARNING
the actual vehicle loading capacity. Under no circumstances
should the vehicle brake
system be altered to control the
trailer brake. The trailer braking
system must be fully independent
of the vehicle’s hydraulic system.

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year of production from: 1997

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