owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
Fuel consumption increases considerably Cold startingENVIRONMENT-
as speed increases. For example, when ac- FRIENDLY DRIVING
celerating from 90 to 120 kph, fuel con-
Short journeys and frequent cold starting
sumption increases by about +30%. Your
will not enable the engine to reach optimal
speed should be kept as even as possible
running temperature. It follows therefore
and superfluous braking and acceleration Environment protection is one of the prin-
that consumption will be higher (from +15%ciples that guided the development of your
avoided as this increases both consumptionto +30% in built-up areas) as will the pro-Alfa 156.
and emissions. A “soft” way of driving
duction of toxic emissions. It is not merely by chance that its antipol-
should be adopted by attempting to antici- lution devices obtain results far beyond those
pate manoeuvres to avoid imminent dangerTraffic and road conditions
and to keep a safe distance from the vehi-Heavy traffic and higher consumption arespecified by current regulations.CORRECT USE OF THE CAR
. cle in front in order to avoid braking sharply The environment, however, still needs the
synonymous; for example, when driving
Acceleration slowly with frequent use of lower gears orutmost care from all of us.
in large towns where there are numerous
Accelerating violently increasing the revstraffic lights.By following few simple rules it is possible
will greatly affect consumption and emis- to avoid damage to the environment and
very often at the same time to limit fuel con-
Winding roads, mountain roads and
sions: acceleration should be gradual and sumption. On this subject we are giving
bumpy roads also have a negative effect on
should not exceed the maximum torque. some helpful suggestions to be added to
consumption. those marked with the #, in various points
Enforced halts of this manual.
During prolonged hold-ups (traffic lights, Kindly read them all carefully.
level crossings) the engine should be
switched off.

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year of production from: 1997

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