owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
WINTER TYRES It is therefore necessary to limit their useSNOW CHAINS
to the purposes for which they are certified.
These tyres are specially designed for dri-WARNING When snow tyres are usedUse of snow chains should be in compli-
ving on snow and ice, to be fitted in placewith a max. speed index below the one thatance with local regulations.
of the existing tyres. can be reached by the car (increased by
5%), place a notice in the passenger com-Use snow chains with reduced size:
Use snow tyres of the same size as the
partment, plainly in the driver’s view which– for tyres 185/65 R15” e 205/60
normal tyres provided with the car.states the max. permissible speed of the
snow tyres (as per EC Directive). R15” use snow chains with reduced size
Alfa Romeo Authorized Services will be with max. protrusion beyond the tyre pro-
glad to provide advice concerning the mostAll four tyres should be the same (brand file of 12 mm.
suitable type of tyre for the customer’s re-and track) to ensure greater safety when
CORRECT USE OF THE CARquirements.driving and braking and better driveability.– for tyres 205/55 R16” use snow
chains with reduced size with max. protru-
For the type of tyre to be used, inflation sion beyond the tyre profile of 9 mm.
Remember that it is inappropriate to
pressures and the specifications of snow
change the direction of rotation of tyres.
tyres, follow the instructions given in chap-
ter “Technical Specifications”. Tyres 215/45 R17” can-
The winter features of these tyres are re- not be fitted with snow
duced considerably when the tread depth chains due to interference
is below 4 mm. In this case, they should be with front suspension support.
replaced. Due to the snow tyre features, un-
der normal conditions of use or on long mo-WARNING
torway journeys, the performance of these Snow chains should only be applied to the
The max. speed for snow
tyres is lower than that of normal tyres.tyres with “Q” marking isdriving wheels (front wheels).
160 km/h, 190 km/h for tyres
Alfa Romeo Authorized Services should first
with “T” marking and 210 km/hbe contacted before purchasing or using
for tyres with “H” marking. The
snow chains.
Road Traffic Code speed limits mustCheck the tension of the chains after the
however be always strictly ob-
served. first few metres have been driven.

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year of production from: 1997

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