owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
Tyres Electrical devices STYLE OF DRIVING
y fourTyres should be checked at least everUse the electric devices for the necessaryStarting
4 weeks: if the pressure is too low, fuel con-time only. The heated rear window, supple-
sumption increases as the resistance to thementary lights, windscreen wipers, heatingDo not warm the engine when the vehicle
rolling movement of the tyre is highersystem blower require large amounts of en-. Inis stationary or at high or low revs: in this
this state, tyre wear is increased ergy and, increasing the request for power
way the engine will warm up gradually in-
and vehicle handling suffers which will af-also increases fuel consumption (up to
creasing consumption and emissions. You
fect safety. +25% when driving in built-up areas).should drive off slowly straight away avoid-
ing high revs so that the engine will warm
Unnecessary loads Air conditioner up more quickly.
Do not travel with too much luggage stowedThe air conditioner is an additional load
CORRECT USE OF THE CARin the boot. The weight of the vehicle (es-which greatly affects the engine leading toUnnecessary actions
pecially when driving in town) and its trimhigher consumption (on average up to
Avoid revving the engine when stopped at
greatly affects consumption and stability.+20%). When the temperature outside thetraffic lights or before switching off the en-
vehicle permits it, use the air vents wheregine and avoid doubling the clutch as these
Luggage/ski rack possible. actions have no purpose on modern vehicles
Remove luggage or ski racks from the roof and serve only to increase consumption and
of the vehicle as soon as they are no longerSpoilers pollution.
needed. These accessories reduce the aero-The use of aerodynamic optional extras
dynamic penetration of the vehicle and willwhich are not certified for the specific use Gear selection
increase consumption. When transporon the vehicle, may reduce the aerodynamictingAs soon as the traffic and road conditions
particularly large objects, use a trailer wherepenetration of the vehicle and increase con-. Using a lowerallow it, shift to a higher gear
possible. sumption. gear to liven up acceleration greatly in-
creases consumption. In the same way, im-
proper use of the higher gears will increase
consumption, emissions and wear and tear
on the engine.

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year of production from: 1997

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