owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
Here are few suggestions for driving inThe ABS is a part of the braking system
these conditions: which essentially offers two advantages:
– Keep your speed down. 1) It prevents wheel lock-up and conse-
quent skidding in emergency stops, partic-POLLUTION
– On a snowy road, fit winter tyres or
snow chains; see the related paragraphs inularly when the road does not offer much
this section. grip; Some suggestions which may help you to
2)It makes it possible to brake and steerkeep the running costs of your vehicle down
– Use exhaust brake where possible and and lower the amount of toxic emissions re-
avoid abrupt braking. at the same time so you can avoid unex-
. leased into the atmosphere are given below
pected obstacles and direct the car where
– Avoid abrupt acceleration and changesyou want while braking. The extent to whichCORRECT USE OF THE CAR
of direction. this can be done will depend on the physi-GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
y – During cold weather even apparently drcal limits of the tyre’s sideways grip.
To make the most of the ABS:Vehicle maintenance
roads may be covered with occasional
patches of ice. Pay great attention therefore The overalll state of the vehicle is an im-
– In emergency braking or when grip is
when driving on roads which are in the portant factor which has a marked influence
shade, or where rocks or trees line the roadlow, a slight pulsing can be felt on the brakeover fuel consumption and driving comfort
and on which ice may persist.pedal: this means that the ABS has come
and on the life span of your vehicle. For this
into action. Do not release the pedal, but
continue pressing it to give continuity to thereason care should be taken to maintain
– Keep further back from the vehicle in your vehicle by carrying out the necessary
front. braking action. checks and regulations in accordance with
– The ABS prevents the wheels from lock-specifications given in the “Scheduled Main-
ing but it does not increase the physical lim-tenance Programme” (see sections. spark
its of grip between the asphalt and the road.plugs, air cleaner, timing).
Therefore, also with a car fitted with ABS,
keep within a safety distance from the ve-
hicle in front and limit speed when ap-
proaching bends.
The ABS serves to increase car controlla-
bilty not to go faster.

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year of production from: 1997

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