owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
Here are some suggestions for night dri-
Always fasten the frontMake sure any mats are
and rear seat belts includ-appropriate in size: even aving.
ing those of any child’s seat. Trav-slight inconvenience to the braking– Drive with particular care: night driving
elling without seat belts increasessystem may require a higher pedalinvolves a greater degree of concentration.
the risks of serious injury or evenstroke than normal.– Reduce speed, especially on unlit roads.
death in the event of an accident.
– At the first signs of drowsiness stop the
car: continuing the journey is dangerous for
yourself and others. Continue driving only
after sufficient rest.
Take care when fitting ad- Water, ice and salt on the– Maintain a greater distance from the ve-
hicle in front than in the day: it is more dif-
ditional spoilers, alloyroads may deposit on the
ficult to judge the speed of the vehicle when
wheels and wheel caps: they mightbrake discs, reducing the effec-
only the lights can be seen.
reduce ventilation of the brakes,tiveness of the brakes the first
thus their efficiency, during abrupttime they are used.– Ensure that the headlights are correctly
aligned: if they are too low, visibility is re-
and repeated braking, or long
downhill slopes. duced and eyesight is tired. If they are too
– Do not drive for long periods without ahigh they may cause disturbance to other
break. During breaks get out of the vehicleroad users.
and move around a bit to shake off the
WARNING drowsiness. – Use the main beams only outside built-
up areas and only when you are certain that
– Make sure the air in the passenger com-other drivers are not disturbed by their use.
Never drive with objects
on the floor in front of thepartment is changed constantly.– When meeting vehicles coming in the
driver’s seat: they might get stuck– Never coast the vehicle downhill with
under the pedals making it impos- opposite direction, switch off the main
the engine switched off as this eliminates
sible to accelerate or brake. beams and drive with the dipped-beam
the engine braking and power steering ef-headlights on.
fect thus requiring a greater effort on the
pedal and steering wheel. – Keep headlights and lights clean.
– Outside built-up areas take care of ani-
mal crossings. 193

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year of production from: 1997

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Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual
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