owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
EMERGENCY 3)Fully depress the accelerator pedal and8) A quick flash of the warning light U
STARTING keep it pressed. The warning light U will(for appr. 4 seconds) confirms that the op-
come on for eight seconds approximatelyeration has taken place correctly.
and will then go out; now release the ac-
If the Alfa Romeo CODE system is not ablecelerator pedal.9) Start the car turning the ignition key
from the MAR position to the AVV posi-
to deactivate the engine inhibitor, warning4) The warning light U begins to flash:tion without returning the key to theSTOPIN AN EMERGENCY
lights Y and Uremain lit and the engineafter it has flashed for the same number ofposition.
cannot be started. To start the engine it istimes as the first digit on the code of the
necessary to follow the emergency startingcard, press completely and hold down theConversely, if the warning light U stays
procedure. accelerator pedal until the warning light U on, turn the ignition key to STOP and re-
WARNINGYou are advised to careful-comes on (for 4 seconds) and then goes outpeat the procedure starting from point 1.
again; now release the accelerator pedal.
ly read the entire procedure before carry- WARNINGAfter emergency starting it
ing it out. 5) The warning light U will begin to is advisable to turn to an Alfa Romeo Au-
If a mistake is made during the emergencyflash: after it has flashed for the same num-thorized Service, because the procedure de-
nedprocedure, the ignition key should be turber of times as the second digit on the codescribed must be repeated each time the en-
of the card, press completely and hold downgine is started.
to STOPand the operations must be re-
peated from the start (point 1).the accelerator pedal.
6)Repeat this procedure in the same way
1) Read the 5-figure electronic code on
the CODE card. for the other digits on the CODE card code.
2) Turn the ignition key to theMARpo-7) After entering the last figure, keep the
sition. accelerator pedal pressed. The warning light
Uturns on (for four seconds) and then goes
off; now release the accelerator pedal.

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year of production from: 1997

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