owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
Normal operation TheVehicleDynamicControl(VDC)systemuses
WARNING various sensors to monitor driver inputs and ve-
Do not pump the brake pedal. Doing soThe ABSoperates at speeds above5-10km/hhicle motion. Under certain driving conditions,
may resultinincreasedstopping(3 - 6 MPH). The speed varies according to roadthe VDC System helps to perform the following
distances. conditions. functions:
Self-test feature WhentheABSsensesthatoneormorewheels● Controls brake pressure to reduce wheel
The ABS includes electronic sensors, electricare close to locking up, the actuator rapidly ap-slip on one slipping drive wheel so power is
pumps,hydraulic solenoids and a computer. Theplies andreleaseshydraulicpressure.Thisactiontransferred to a non slipping drive wheel on
computer has a built-in diagnostic feature thatis similar to pumping the brakes very quickly. Youthe same axle.
tests the system each time you start the enginemayfeelapulsationinthebrakepedalandheara
noisefromunderthehoodorfeelavibrationfrom● Controls brake pressure and engine output
andmovethevehicleatalowspeedinforwardorthe actuator when it is operating. This is normalto reduce drive wheel slip based on vehicle
reverse. Whentheself-testoccurs,youmayhearandindicates that the ABS is operating properly.speed (traction control function).
a“clunk”noiseand/orfeelapulsationinthebrakeHowever, the pulsation may indicate that road● Controlsbrakepressureatindividualwheels
pedal. This is normal and does not indicate aconditions are hazardous and extra care is re-andengineoutputtohelpthedrivermaintain
malfunction. If the computer senses a malfunc-quired while driving.control of the vehicle in the following condi-
tion, it switches the ABS off and illuminates the tions:
ABSwarning light on the instrument panel. The
brake system then operates normally but without – understeer (vehicle tends to not follow
anti-lock assistance. thesteeredpathdespiteincreasedsteer-
If the ABS warning light illuminates during the ing input)
self-testor while driving, have the vehicle – oversteer (vehicle tends to spin due to
checked by a NISSAN dealer. certain road or driving conditions)
The VDC system can help the driver to maintain
vehicle control in all driving situations.
Starting and driving 5-21

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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