owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
WhentheVDCsystemoperates,theindi-indicator flashes if this occurs. All other VDC● Donotmodifythevehicle’ssuspension.
cator in the instrument panel flashes so note thefunctions are off and theindicator will notIf suspension parts such as shock ab-
following: flash. sorbers, struts, springs, stabilizer bars,
● TheroadmaybeslipperyorthesystemmayThe VDC system is automatically reset to onbushings and wheels are not NISSAN
determine some action is required to helpwhen the ignition switch is placed in the offrecommended for your vehicle or are
keep the vehicle on the steered path.position then back to the on position.extremelydeteriorated,theVDCsystem
The computer has a built in diagnostic featuremay not operate properly. This could
● You may feel a pulsation in the brake pedalthat tests the system each time you start theadversely affect vehicle handling per-
and hear a noise or vibration from under theengineandmovethevehicleforwardorinreverseformance, and theindicator may
hood. This is normal and indicates that theat a slow speed. When the self-test occurs, youflashorboththeandindica-
VDCsystemisworkingproperly.mayhear a clunk noise and/or feel a pulsation intor lights may illuminate.
● Adjust your speed and driving to the roadthe brake pedal. This is normal and is not an● If brake related parts such as brake
conditions. indication of a malfunction.pads, rotors and calipers are not
For additional information, refer to “Vehicle Dy-NISSANrecommendedorareextremely
namic Control (VDC) OFF switch”in the ”Instru-WARNINGdeteriorated, the VDC system may not
ments and controls”section.● TheVDCsystemisdesignedtohelptheoperate properly and both the
If a malfunction occurs in the system, thedriver maintain stability but does notand theindicator lights may
prevent accidents due to abrupt steer-illuminate.
and indicator lights come on in the instru-ingoperationathighspeedsorbycare-● If engine control related parts are not
mentpanel. The VDCsystemautomatically turnsless or dangerous driving techniques.NISSANrecommendedorareextremely
off when these indicator lights are on.Reducevehiclespeedandbeespecially
TheVDCOFFswitchisusedtoturnofftheVDCcareful when driving and cornering ondeteriorated, both theand
system. Theindicator illuminates to indi-slippery surfaces and always driveindicator lights may illuminate.
cate the VDC system is off.carefully.
When the VDC switch is used to turn off the
system, the VDC system still operates to prevent
one drive wheel from slipping by transferring
power to a non slipping drive wheel. The
5-22 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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