owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
● Whendrivingonextremelyinclinedsur-BRAKEFORCEDISTRIBUTION● Donotmodifythevehicle’ssuspension.
faces such as higher banked corners,During braking while driving through turns, theIf suspension parts such as shock ab-
the VDC system may not operate prop-systemoptimizesthedistributionofforcetoeachsorbers, struts, springs, stabilizer bars,
erlyandthe indicatormayflashorof the four wheels dependingontheradiusofthebushings and wheels are not NISSAN
boththe and indicatorturn. recommended for your vehicle or are
lights may illuminate. Do not drive on extremelydeteriorated,theVDCsystem
these types of roads. WARNING may not operate properly. This could
● TheVDCsystemisdesignedtohelptheadversely affect vehicle handling per-
● When driving on an unstable surfacedriver maintain stability but does notformance, and the VDC warning light
such as a turntable, ferry, elevator orprevent accidents due to abrupt steer-mayilluminate.
ramp, the indicator may flash oringoperationathighspeedsorbycare-● If brake related parts such as brake
boththe and indicator less or dangerous driving techniques.pads, rotors and calipers are not
lights may illuminate. This is not a mal-ReducevehiclespeedandbeespeciallyNISSANrecommendedorareextremely
function. Restart the engine after driv-careful when driving and cornering ondeteriorated, the VDC system may not
ing onto a stable surface. slippery surfaces and always driveoperate properly and the VDC warning
● IfwheelsortiresotherthantheNISSANcarefully. light may illuminate.
recommended ones are used, the VDC● Theactivetracecontrolandbrakeforce● If engine control related parts are not
system may not operate properly anddistribution systems may not be effec-NISSANrecommendedorareextremely
the indicator may flash or bothtive dependingonthedrivingcondition.deteriorated,theVDCwarninglightmay
the and indicatorlightsmayAlways drive carefully and attentively.illuminate.
illuminate. ● Whendrivingonextremelyinclinedsur-
● The VDC system is not a substitute for faces such as higher banked corners,
winter tires or tire chains on a snow the VDC system may not operate prop-
covered road. erly and the VDC warning light may illu-
minate. Do not drive on these types of
Starting and driving 5-23

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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