owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
YoumayhearasoundwhenthesteeringwheelisThe brake system has two separate hydraulic
WARNING operated quickly. However, this is not a malfunc-circuits. If one circuit malfunctions, you will still
● If the engine is not running or is turnedtion. have braking at two wheels.
off while driving, the power assist forIf the electric power steering warning light PSBRAKEPRECAUTIONS
the steering will not work. Steering willilluminates while the engine is running, it may
beharder to operate. indicate the power steering system is not func-Vacuumassisted brakes
● Whenthepowersteering warning lighttioning properly and may need servicing. Have
illuminates with the engine running,the power steering system checked by aThe brake booster aids braking by using engine
there will be no power assist for theNISSANdealer. vacuum. If the engine stops, you can stop the
steering. You will still have control ofWhen the electric power steering warning lightvehicle by depressing the brake pedal. However,
the vehicle but the steering will beilluminates with the engine running, there will begreater foot pressure on the brake pedal will be
harder to operate. Have the powerno power assist for the steering but you will stillrequired to stop the vehicle and stopping dis-
steering system checked by a NISSANhave control of the vehicle. At this time, greatertance will be longer.
dealer. steering effort is required to operate the steeringUsing the brakes
The power steering system is designed to pro-wheel, especially in sharp turns and at low
vide power assist while driving to operate thespeeds. Avoid resting your foot on the brake pedal while
steering wheel with light force.For additional information, refer to “Power steer-driving.Thiswilloverheatthebrakes,wearoutthe
ing warning light” in the “Instruments and con-brake pads faster, and reduce gas mileage.
Whenthesteering wheel is operated repeatedlytrols” section.To help reduce brake wear and to prevent the
or continuously while parking or driving at a very brakes from overheating, reduce speed and
low speed, the power assist for the steering downshift to a lower gear before going down a
wheel will be reduced. This is to prevent over- slope or long grade. Overheated brakes may
heatingofthepowersteeringsystemandprotect reduce braking performance and could result in
it from getting damaged. While the power assist loss of vehicle control.
is reduced,steeringwheeloperationwillbecome
ing systemgoesdown,thepowerassistlevelwill
return to normal. Avoid repeating such steering
wheel operations that could cause the power
steering system to overheat.
Starting and driving 5-19

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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