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owners manual Nissan Micra

owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN

Document: pdf (3.37 MB) 293 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
PARKING/PARKINGONHILLS 1. Firmly apply the parking brake. 2. Manual transmission models: Place the shift lever in the R (Reverse) posi- tion. Whenparkingonanuphillgrade,place the shift lever in 1st gear. Automatic transmission models: Movetheshift lever to the P (Park) position. 3. To help prevent the vehicle from rolling into traffic when parked on an incline, it is a good practice to turn the wheels as illustrated. ● HEADEDDOWNHILLWITHCURB: A  WSD0050 Turn the wheels into the curb and move the Make sure the shift lever has been vehicle forward until the curb side wheel WARNING ● Do not stop or park the vehicle overpushed as far forward as it can go andgently touches the curb. flammable materials such as dry grass,cannot be moved without depressing● HEADEDUPHILLWITHCURB: B the foot brake pedal.  waste paper or rags. They may ignite Turn the wheels away from the curb and andcauseafire. ● Never leave the engine running whilemove the vehicle back until the curb side ● Safe parking procedures require thatthe vehicle is unattended. wheel gently touches the curb. both the parking brake be set and the● Donotleavechildrenunattendedinside● HEADED UPHILL OR DOWNHILL, NO transmission placed into P (Park) forthevehicle.Theycouldunknowinglyac-CURB: C automatictransmissionmodelsorinan tivate switches or controls. Unattended  appropriate gear for manual transmis-children could become involved in seri-Turn the wheels toward the side of the road sion models. Failure to do so couldous accidents. so the vehicle will move away from the cen- causethevehicletomoveunexpectedly ter of the road if it moves. or roll away and result in an accident. 4. TurntheignitionswitchtotheLOCKposition and remove the key. 5-18 Starting and driving
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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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