owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
188 Driving systems
If you wish to exit the vehicle, always turn offSetting a speed
against rolling away.
For further information on deactivating
If DISTRONICPLUSdetectsthatthevehiclein
is stationary.
andOnceyourvehicle is stationary, it remains
riviiAfteratime,theelectric parking brakeXPressthecruise control lever up : for a
D securesthevehicleandrelievestheservicehigherspeedordown;foralowerspeed.
brake. XToadjustthesetspeedin1mphincre-
i press the cruise control lever up : or
tance, your vehicle will come to a standstilldown;tothepressurepoint.
atasufficientdistancebehindthevehicleinEvery time the cruise control lever is
front. The specified minimum distance ispressed up : or down ; the last speed
set using the control on the cruise controlstored is increased or reduced.
lever. XToadjustthesetspeedin5mphincre-
WhenDISTRONICPLUSisactivated,the ments(10km/hincrements):briefly
transmission is shifted automatically to posi-press the cruise control lever up : or
tion P if: down;tothepressurepoint.
Rthedriver'sseatbeltisnotfastenedandtheEvery time the cruise control lever is
driver's door is open. pressed up : or down ;, the last speed
Rtheengineisswitchedoff,unlessitisauto-stored is increased or reduced.
matically switched off by the ECO start/iIfyouacceleratetoovertake,DISTRONIC
stop function. PLUSadjuststhevehicle'sspeedtothelast
Theelectricparkingbrakesecuresthevehiclespeed stored after you have finished over-
whenthevehicle is stationary and:
Rasystemmalfunctionoccurs. Settingthespecifiedminimumdistance
Rthepowersupplyisnotsufficient. Youcansetthespecified minimum distance
If a malfunctionoccurs,thetransmissionmayforDISTRONICPLUSbyvaryingthetimespan
also shift into position P automatically.betweenoneandtwoseconds.Withthisfunc-
tion, you can set the minimum distance that
front, dependent on vehicle speed. You can
see this distance in the multifunction display
(Y page 189).
mumdistancetothevehicle in front as

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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