owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
196 Driving systems
MakesurenooneisunderneaththevehicleorThe "Raised level" remains active when you
in the immediate vicinity of the wheel archesare not driving within these speed ranges.
whenthevehicle is being lowered.Setting the normal vehicle level
iIfoneofthedoorsisopen,thevehicleisXStart the engine.
not lowered. If indicator lamp ; is lit:
Vehicle level XPressbutton:.
parking Indicator lamp ; goes out. The vehicle is
Setting the raised vehicle level adjusted to the height of the currently
and selected drive program (Y page 161).
riving Suspensiontuning
D General notes
The Adaptive Damping System automatically
controls the calibration of the dampers.
The damping is tuned individually to each
wheel and depends on:
Ryourdriving style, e.g. sporty
It is possible to choosebetweenthe"Normal"Rtheroadsurface condition, e.g. bumps
and "Raised" vehicle levels below a speed ofRyourindividualselection,i.e.sportsorcom-
tingfornormalroadsurfacesand"Raised"forYour selection remains stored even if you
driving with snow chains or on particularlyremove the SmartKey from the ignition lock.
poor road surfaces. Your selection remainsSports tuning
storedevenifyouremovetheSmartKeyfromIn the "Sport" and "Sport Plus" drive pro-
the ignition lock. grams,thefirmersuspensionsettingensures
XStart the engine. evenbettercontactwiththeroad.Selectthis
If indicator lamp ; is not lit: modewhenemployingasportydrivingstyle,
XPressbutton:. e.g. on winding country roads.
Indicator lamp ; lights up. The vehicle isXSelect the S or S+ drive program with the
raised by 0.6 in (15 mm) compared to theDYNAMICSELECTswitch(
normal level. The vehicle is lowered by 0.6 in (15 mm)
The Vehicle Rising message appears incomparedtothenormallevel.
the multifunction display. Comforttuning
iThemessagedisappearsaftertensec-In the "Eco" and "Comfort" drive programs,
onds, irrespective of the level reached. Ifthe driving characteristics of your vehicle are
necessary, the vehicle is raised further.morecomfortable. Therefore, select this
The "Raised level" setting is canceled if you:modeifyoufavoramorecomfortabledriving
Rdrive faster than 75 mph (120 km/h)style. Select comfort mode also when driving
Rdrive for approximately three minutes at afast on straight roads, e.g. on straight
speed above 50 mph (80 km/h) stretches of highway.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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