owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
dible reminders” in the “2. Instruments and Operation is subject to the following two
controls” section. tion. Contact your NISSAN dealer asconditions: (1) This device may not cause
soonaspossiblefortirereplacementharmful interference, and (2) this device
WARNING and/or system resetting. must accept any interference received, in-
If the low tire pressure warning lighttire sealant into the tires, as this mayired operation of the device.
illuminates and the chime sounds forcause a malfunction of the tire pres-ON-PAVEMENT AND OFFROAD
about10secondswhiledriving,avoidsure sensors. DRIVING PRECAUTIONS
suddensteeringmaneuversorabrupt Utility vehicles have a significantly higher
braking, reduce vehicle speed, pull rollover rate than other types of vehicles.
off the road to a safe location and CAUTION
stop the vehicle as soon as possible. Theyhavehighergroundclearancethanpassen-
Serious vehicle damage could occurDonotplacemetalizedfilmoranymetalger cars to make them capable of performing in
and may lead to an accident andparts (antenna, etc.) on the windows.a variety of on-pavement and offroad applica-
could result in serious personal in-This may cause poor reception of thetions. This gives them a higher center of gravity
jury. Check the tire pressure for allsignals from the tire pressure sensors,than ordinary cars. An advantage of higher
four wheels and adjust the pressure ground clearance is a better view of the road,
to the COLD tire pressure shown onand the low tire pressure warning sys-allowing you to anticipate problems. However,
the tire placard. If you have a flat tire,tem will not function properly.they are not designed for cornering at the same
replace it with a spare tire as soon as speeds as conventional two-wheel drive ve-
possible. (See “Flat tire” in the “6. InFCCNotice: hicles any more than low-slung sports cars are
case of emergency” section for designed to perform satisfactorily under offroad
Changes or modifications not expresslyconditions. If at all possible, avoid sharp turns or
changing a flat tire.) approved by the manufacturer complianceabrupt maneuvers, particularly at high speeds.
When a spare tire is mounted or acould void the user’s authority to operateAs with other vehicles of this type, failure to
wheel is replaced, the low tire pres-the equipment. operate this vehicle correctly may result in loss
sure warning system will not func-This device complies with Part 15 of theof control or vehicle rollover.
FCC Rules and RSS-210 of IndustryBe sure to read the driving safety precautions
Canada. later in this section.
5-4 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 1996

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