owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
Slower speeds ensure better vehicle Besuretocheckthebrakesimmedi-
control. ately after driving in mud or water.
Donotdrivebeyondtheperformance See “Brake system” later in this sec-
of the tires, even with 4WD engaged.tion for wet brakes.
Accelerating quickly, sharp steering Avoid parking your vehicle on steep
maneuvers or sudden braking may hills. If you get out of the vehicle and
cause loss of control. it rolls forward, backward or side-
ways, you could be injured.
If at all possible, avoid sharp turning Wheneveryoudriveoff-road through
maneuvers,particularlyathigh sand, mud or water as deep as the
speeds. Your NISSAN four wheel wheel hub, more frequent mainte-
drive vehicle has a higher center ofnance may be required. See “Peri- SSD0083
gravity than a two wheel drive ve-odic maintenance” in the “Service
hicle. The vehicle is not designed forand Maintenance Guide”. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION
ventional two wheel drive vehicles. On automatic transmission models, the ignition
Failure to operate this vehicle cor- lock is designed so that the key cannot be
rectly could result in loss of control turned to LOCK and removed until the selector
and/or a roll over accident. lever is moved to the P (Park) position.
Always use tires of the same type, When removing the key from the ignition, make
size, brand, construction (bias, bias- sure the selector lever is in the P (Park) position.
beltedorradial),andtreadpatternon If the selector lever is not returned to P (Park),
all four wheels. Install tire chains on the key cannot be moved toward LOCK.
the rear wheels when driving on slip- When the key cannot be turned toward the
pery roads and drive carefully. LOCK position, proceed as follows to remove
the key:
Starting and driving 5-7

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year of production from: 1996

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