owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
EXHAUST GAS (Carbon monoxide)
1. Open all the windows.
WARNING 2. Set the air recirculation switch
Do not leave children or adults who OFFandthefancontrolat4(high)
would normally require the supportDonotbreatheexhaustgases;theycon-to circulate the air.
of others alone in your vehicle. Petstaincolorlessandodorlesscarbonmon- If electrical wiring or other cable con-
should not be left alone either. Theyoxide. Carbon monoxide is dangerous.nections must pass to a trailer
could accidentally injure themselvesIt can cause unconsciousness or death.through the seal on the back door or
or others through inadvertent opera- the body, follow the manufacturer’s
tion of the vehicle. Also, on hot, Ifyoususpectthatexhaustfumesarerecommendation to prevent carbon
sunnydays, temperatures in a closedentering the vehicle, drive with allmonoxide entry into the vehicle.
vehicle could quickly become highwindows fully open, and have the
enough to cause severe or possiblyvehicle inspected immediately. If a special body or other equipment
fatal injuries to people or animals. Do not run the engine in closedis added for recreational or other
Properly secure all cargo to help pre-spaces such as a garage.usage,followthemanufacturer’srec-
ventit from sliding or shifting. Do not ommendation to prevent carbon
place cargo higher than the seat- Do not park the vehicle with the en-monoxide entry into the vehicle.
backs. In a sudden stop or collision,gine running for any extended length(Some recreational vehicle appli-
unsecured cargo could cause per-of time. ances such as stoves, refrigerator,
sonal injury. Keep the back door and glass hatchheaters, etc. may also generate car-
closed while driving, otherwise ex-bon monoxide.)
haust gases could be drawn into the Theexhaustsystemandbodyshould
passenger compartment. If you mustbeinspectedbyaqualifiedmechanic
drive with the back door or glasswhenever:
hatch open, followthese a. The vehicle is raised for service.
5-2 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 1996

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