owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
The cassette tape will be automatically pulledFF (Fast Forward), REWwithin one program or there is no interval be-
into the player. (Rewind): tween programs, the system may not stop in the
The radio or CD will turn off (if it is on) and thePush the(fast forward) button to fastdesired or expected location.
cassette tape will begin to play.forward the tape. To rewind the tape, push theSCANtuning:
(rewind) button. Either the FF or REWPush the SCAN tuning button while playing
CAUTION symbolilluminatesontherightsideofthedisplaytape, and it stops at the next tape program for 5
window. To stop the FF or REW function, pressseconds. Pushing the button again during this 5
Do not force the cassette tape into thethe(fast forward) or(rewind) again,second period will stop SCAN tuning and the
tape door. This could cause player dam-or the TAPE button.tape program is continued. If the SCAN tuning
age. APS(Automatic Programbutton is not pushed within 5 seconds, SCAN
Search) FF, APS REW:tuning moves to the next tape program.
Ifthe system is turned off by pushing theWhen the(APS FF) button is pushedTAPE EJECT:
while the tape is being played, the next programWhen this button is pushed with the tape
ON⋅OFF/VOL control knobwith the cassette
tape still in the player, the tape will resumewill start to play from the beginning. Push theloaded, the tape will be ejected.
playing when the system is turned back on.(APS FF) button several times to skipWhenthetapeisejectedwhileitisbeingplayed,
PLAY: through programs. The tape will advance thethe system will be turned off.
numberoftimesthebuttonispushed(uptonineCompact disc (CD) changer
When the TAPE button is pushed with theprograms).
system turned off and a tape loaded, theWhen the(APS REW) button is pushedoperation
system will come on and the tape will play.once, the program being played starts over fromTurn the ignition key to the ACC or ON position
WhentheTAPEbuttonispushedwith eitherthe beginning. Push the(APS REW) but-andinsert the compact disc into the slot with the
the radio or compact disc turned on and theton several times to skip back several selections.label side facing up. The compact disc will be
tape loaded, the compact disc or the radioThe tape will go back the number of times theguided automatically into the slot and start play-
will automatically be turned off and the tapebutton is pushed. Either the FF or REW symboling.
will play. flashes on the right side of the display windowAfter loading the disc, the number of tracks on
When the TAPE button is pushed while thewhile searching for the selection.the disc and the play time will appear on the
tape is being played, the tape side will beThis system searches for the blank intervalsdisplay.
changed. between selections. If there is a blank intervalIf the radio or tape is already operating, it will
4-26 Heater, air conditioner and audio systems

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year of production from: 1996

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