owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
b. You suspect that exhaust fumesgrass, waste paper or rags. They may Do not race the engine while warm-
are entering into the passengerignite and cause a fire. ing it up.
compartment. Do not push or tow your vehicle to
c. You notice a change in the sound CAUTION start the engine.
of the exhaust system.
d. You have had an accident involv- Donotuseleadedgasoline.DepositsLOWTIREPRESSUREWARNING
ingdamagetotheexhaustsystem,from leaded gasoline seriously re-SYSTEM (if so equipped)
underbody, or rear of the vehicle.duce the three way catalyst’s ability
The low tire pressure warning system monitors
to help reduce exhaust pollutants.tire pressure of all wheels (except the spare tire).
THREE WAY CATALYST Keepyourenginetunedup.Malfunc-The low tire pressure warning system will acti-
The three way catalyst is an emission controltions in the ignition, fuel injection, orvate only when the vehicle is driven at speeds
device, installed in the exhaust system. In theelectrical systems can cause overrichabove 20 MPH(32km/h).Also, this system may
converter, exhaust gases are burned at highfuel flow into the three way catalyst,not detect a sudden drop in tire pressure (for
temperatures to help reduce pollutants.causing it to overheat. Do not keepexample a flat tire by catching something while
driving if the engine misfires, or ifdriving).
WARNING noticeable loss of performance orFrequently check the tire pressure and adjust
other unusual operating conditionspressure of each tire properly.
Theexhaustgasandtheexhaustsys-are detected. Have the vehicle in-LOWPRESSUREwarning
tem are very hot. Keep people, ani-spected promptly by an authorized
mals or flammable materials awayNISSAN dealer. If the vehicle is being driven with a flat tire or low
from the exhaust system compo- Avoid driving with an extremely lowtire pressure (lower than 25 psi, 171 kPa), the
nents. fuel level. Running out of fuel couldlow tire pressure warning light illuminates and
Do not stop or park the vehicle overcause the engine to misfire, damag-the chime sounds for about 10 seconds.
flammable materials, such as drying the three way catalyst.For additional information regarding the above
warning, see “Warning/indicator lights and au-
Starting and driving 5-3

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year of production from: 1996

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Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual
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