owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
ciency, the battery should be checked regularly. For
The ESP system cannot be switched off when details, see “Battery” in the “8. Maintenance and
the ESP system is operating and the “SLIP” indi-• Whatever the conditions, drive with caution.do-it-yourself” section.
cator light () is blinking. Accelerate and decelerate with great care. IfENGINECOOLANT
Push the ESP OFF switch again, or restart the en-wheels will lose even more traction.If the vehicle is to be left outside without anti-freeze,
gine, to turn the system ON. See “Electronic Stabil-• Allowmorestoppingdistanceincoldweatherdrain the cooling system. Refill before operating the
ity Programme (ESP) system (where fitted)” earlierdriving.Brakingshouldbestartedsoonerthanvehicle. For details, see “Engine cooling system” in
in this section for operational details.ondrysurfaces. the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section.
• KeepatagreaterdistancefromthevehicleinTYREEQUIPMENT
front of you on slippery roads.1) TheSUMMERtyresareofatreaddesigntopro-
• Wetice(0°C,32°Fandfreezingrain),verycoldvidesuperiorperformanceondrysurfaces.How-
snowandicecanbeslickandverydifficulttoever, the performance of these tyres will be sub-
drive on. The vehicle will have a lot less trac-stantially reduced in snowy and icy conditions. If
tion or grip under these conditions. Try toyou operate your vehicle on snowy or icy roads,
or sanded. orALLSEASONtyresonallfourwheels.Please
consult a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop
• Watch for slippery spots (black ice). Thesefor tyre type, size, speed rating and availability
may appear on an otherwise clear road ininformation.
shadedareas.If a patch of ice is seen ahead,2) For additional traction on icy roads, studded
brake before driving on it. Try not to braketyres may be used. However, some countries,
while actually on the ice and avoid any sud-provinces and states prohibit their use. Check
densteering manoeuvres. applicable laws before installing studded tyres.
• Snowcantrapdangerous exhaust gas underCAUTION
your vehicle. Keep snow clear of the exhaust
pipe and from around your vehicle.Skidandtractioncapabilitiesofstuddedsnow
BATTERY tyres on wet or dry surfaces may be poorer
than that of non-studded snow tyres.
If the battery is not fully charged during extremely3) Snow chains may be used, if desired. But the
coldweatherconditions,thebatteryfluidmayfreezeuse of snow chains may be prohibited in some
and damage the battery. To maintain maximum effi-areas. Therefore, check the local laws before
Starting and driving5-31

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year of production from: 2006

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