owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Normal operation When accelerating, driving on slippery surfaces orsurface. The Active Brake Limited Slip (ABLS) sys-
The ABS will not initiate at speeds below 5 to 10suddenly avoiding obstacles on roads, the vehicletem,brakesthespinningwheeltodistributethedriv-
km/h (3 to 6 MPH). The speeds will vary accordingmight swerve or slip. The Electronic Stability Pro-ing power to the other driving wheel.
to road conditions. gramme (ESP) system continuously monitors andIf the vehicle is operatedwiththeESPsystemturned
comparesthedriver’sintendedspeedandthetraveloff, all ESP and TCS functions will be turned off.
WhentheABSsensesthatoneormorewheelsaredirection. The system adjusts wheel brake pressureThe Active Brake Limited Slip (ABLS) system and
close to locking up, the actuator rapidly applies andandenginetorquetoassistinimprovingvehicle sta-ABSwillstill operate with the ESP system off. If the
releases hydraulic pressure. This action is similar tobility.ActiveBrakeLimitedSlip(ABLS)systemortheABS
pumping the brakes very quickly. You may feel a• Whenthe ESP system is operating, the “SLIP”is activated, the “SLIP” indicator light () will
pulsation in the brake pedal and hear a noise fromindicator light () in the combination meterblink and you may hear a clunk noise and/or feel a
the actuator under the bonnet when it is operating.blinks.pulsationinthebrakepedal.Thisisnormalanddoes
This is normal and indicates that the ABS is working not indicate a malfunction.
properly. However, the pulsation may indicate that• Whenonly the traction control (TCS) system in
road conditions are hazardous and extra care is re-the ESP system is operating, the “SLIP” indica-While the ESP system is operating, you may feel a
quired while driving. tor light () in the combination meter will alsopulsation in the brake pedal and hear a noise or
blink. vibration from under the bonnet. This is normal and
• If the “SLIP” indicator light () blinks, theindicates that the ESP system is working properly.
road conditions are slippery. Be sure to driveThe ESP computer has a built in diagnostic feature
carefully. See “Warning/indicator lights and au-that tests the system each time the engine is started
dible reminders” in the “2. Instruments andand the vehicle moves forwards or reverses at a
controls” section. slow speed. When the self-test occurs, you may
• Indicator light hear a clunk noise and/or feel a pulsation in the
brake pedal. This is normal and is not an indication
If a malfunction occurs in the system, the “SLIP”of a malfunction.
indicator light () and the ESP indicator light
() come on in the combination meter.WARNING
Aslongastheseindicatorlights are on, the trac-• The ESP system is designed to help improve
tion control function is cancelled.drivingstabilitybutdoesnotpreventaccidents
The ESP system uses Active Brake Limited Slipcaused by abrupt steering operation at high
(ABLS) system to improve vehicle traction. The Ac-speeds, or careless or dangerous driving
tive Brake Limited Slip (ABLS) system works whentechniques. Reduce vehicle speed and be es-
one of the driving wheels is spinning on a slipperypecially careful whendrivingandcorneringon
slippery surfaces. Always drive carefully.
Starting and driving5-29

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year of production from: 2006

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