owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
If engine related parts, such as a muffler, are tem may not operate properly and the ESP
not standard equipment or are extremely de- OFFindicatorlight( ) and/orthe“SLIP”indi- PROGRAMME(ESP)OFFSWITCH
teriorated, the ESP OFF indicator light ( ) cator light ( ) may illuminate.
and/or the “SLIP” indicator light ( )may • TheESPsystemisnotasubstituteforwinter
illuminate. tyres or snow chains on a snow covered road.
• If brake related parts, such as brake pads, NOTE
rotors and callipers, are not standard equip-
ment or are extremely deteriorated, the ESP • TheESPsystemshouldbeswitchedonunder
systemmaynotoperateproperlyandtheESP normal circumstances although it may be ad-
OFFindicatorlight( ) and/orthe“SLIP”indi- vantageous to switch off the ESP system to
cator light ( ) may illuminate. allow wheelspin under the following condi-
• Do not modify the vehicle’s suspension. If tions: NSD311Z
suspension parts, such as shock absorbers, – whendriving in deep snow or mud
struts, springs, stabilizer bars and bushings, – when trying to rock a vehicle free that is A. LHDmodels
are not NISSAN-approved or are extremely stuck in snow
deteriorated, the ESP system may not oper- B. RHDmodels
ate properly. This could adversely affect ve- – whendriving with snow chains The vehicle should be driven with the Electronic
hicle handling performance and the ESP OFF • IftheESPsystemhasbeenswitchedoff,drive Stability Programme (ESP) system “ON” for most
indicator light () and/orthe“SLIP”indicator carefully with reducedspeed.Whenroadcon- driving conditions.
light ( ) may illuminate. ditions allow, ESP should be switched back
• Whendriving on extremely inclined surfaces, on. When the vehicle get stuck in mud or snow, the
such as higher banked corners, the ESP sys- ESPsystemreducestheengineoutputtodecrease
tem may not operate properly and the ESP wheel spin. The engine speed will be reduced even
OFFindicatorlight( ) and/orthe“SLIP”indi- if the accelerator is depressed to the floor. If maxi-
cator light ( ) mayilluminate. Do not drive mum engine power is needed to free a stuck ve-
on these types of roads. If ESP OFF indicator hicle, turn the ESP system off.
light does illuminate after driving on ex- To turn off the ESP system, push the ESP OFF
treme surfaces, restart the engine to reset switch. The ESP OFF indicator light () will come
the ESP system. on.
• If wheels or tyres other than the
recommended ones are used, the ESP sys-
5-30 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2006

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