owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
3-18 Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
WARNING the TPMS is unable to monitor allthe front and rear tires.
four road wheels. Contact your
Ifthis light does not illuminateSUBARUdealerassoonaspossible
briefly after the ignition switch isfor tire and sensor replacement and/&ABSwarninglight
turned ON or the light illuminatesor system resetting.
steadily after blinking for approxi-If the light illuminates steadily afterCAUTION
mately one minute, you should haveblinking for approximately one min-
your Tire Pressure Monitoring Sys-ute, promptly contact a SUBARU. If any of the following conditions
temcheckedataSUBARUdealerasdealertohavethesysteminspected.occur, we recommend that you
soon as possible. have the ABS system repaired at
If this light illuminates while driving, the first available opportunity by
never brake suddenly and keep CAUTION your SUBARU dealer.
driving straight ahead while gradu- – The warning light does not
ally reducing speed. Then slowlyThetirepressuremonitoringsystemilluminate when the ignition
pull off the road to a safe place.is NOT a substitute for manuallyswitch is turned to the “ON”
Otherwise an accident involvingchecking tire pressure. The tireposition.
serious vehicle damage and seriouspressure should be checked peri-– The warning light illuminates
personal injury could occur.odically (at least monthly) using awhen the ignition switch is
tire gauge. After any change to tireturned to the “ON” position,
Ifthis light still illuminates whilepressure(s), the tire pressure mon-
driving after adjusting the tire pres-itoring system will not re-check tirebut it does not turn off even
sure, a tire may have significantinflation pressures until the vehiclewhen the vehicle speed ex-
damage and a fast leak that causesis first driven more than 25 mph (40ceeds approximately 25 mph
thetire to lose air rapidly. If you havekm/h). After adjusting the tire pres-(40 km/h).
a flat tire, replace it with a spare tiresures, increase the vehicle speed to– The warning light illuminates
as soon as possible. at least 25 mph (40 km/h) to start theduring driving.
When a spare tire is mounted or aTPMS re-checking of the tire infla-. Whenthewarninglightison(and
wheel rim is replaced without thetion pressures. If the tire pressuresthe brake system warning light is
original pressure sensor/transmitterare now above the severe lowoff), the ABS function shuts
being transferred, the Low tire pres-pressure threshold, the low tiredown.However,theconventional
sure warning light will illuminatepressure warning light should turnbrake system continues to oper-
steadily after blinking for approxi-off a few minutes later. Therefore, beate normally.
mately one minute. This indicatessure to install the specified size for

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year of production from: 2012

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