owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights3-17
&ATOILTEMPwarning should be checked monthly when coldYour vehicle has also been equipped with
light (CVT models) and inflated to the inflation pressurea TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate
recommended by the vehicle manufac-whenthesystemisnotoperatingproperly.
If this light illuminates when the engine isturer on the vehicle placard or tire inflationThe TPMS malfunction indicator is com-
running, it may indicate that the transmis-pressure label. (If your vehicle has tires ofbined with the low tire pressure telltale.
sion fluid temperature is too hot.a different size than the size indicated onWhen the system detects a malfunction,
Ifthe light illuminates while driving, im-the vehicle placard or tire inflation pres-the telltale will flash for approximately one
mediately stop the vehicle in a safe placesure label, you should determine theminute and then remain continuously
and let the engine idle until the warningproper tire inflation pressure for thoseilluminated. This sequence will continue
light turns off. tires.) uponsubsequentvehiclestart-ups as long
As an added safety feature, your vehicleas the malfunction exists. When the
! Transmission control system warn- malfunction indicator is illuminated, the
ing has been equipped with a tire pressuresystem maynotbeabletodetectorsignal
If the “AT OIL TEMP” warning light flashesmonitoring system (TPMS) that illuminateslow tire pressure as intended. TPMS
after the engine has started, it may a low tire pressure telltale when one ormalfunctions may occur for a variety of
more of your tires is significantly under-reasons, including the installation of re-
indicate that the transmission control
system is not working properly. Contactinflated. Accordingly, when the low tireplacement or alternate tires or wheels on
your nearest SUBARU dealer for servicepressure telltale illuminates, you shouldthe vehicle that prevent the TPMS from
immediately. stop and check your tires as soon asfunctioning properly. Always check the
possible, and inflate them to the properTPMS malfunction telltale after replacing
&Lowtire pressure pressure. Driving on a significantly under-one or more tires or wheels on your
warning light (U.S.-spec. inflated tire causes the tire to overheat andvehicle to ensure that the replacement or
canleadtotire failure. Under-inflation alsoalternate tires and wheels allow the TPMS
models) reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life,to continue to function properly.
When the ignition switch is turned to theand may affect the vehicle’s handling andShould the warning light illuminate stea-
“ON” position, the low tire pressure warn-stopping ability.dily after blinking for approximately one
ing light will illuminate for approximately 2Please note that the TPMS is not aminute, have the system inspected by
seconds to check that the tire pressuresubstitute for proper tire maintenance,your nearest SUBARU dealer as soon as
monitoring system (TPMS) is functioningand it is the driver’s responsibility topossible.
properly. If there is no problem and all tiresmaintain correct tire pressure, even if
are properly inflated, the light will turn off.under-inflation has not reached the level
Eachtire, including the spare (if provided),to trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire
pressure telltale.

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year of production from: 2012

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