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owners manual Subaru Forester

owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (46.19 MB) 540 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights3-15 The CHECK ENGINE warning light may– Blinking or illuminated inAfter that, this indicator light/warning light stop blinking and illuminate steadily afterRED: changes to BLUE and maintains illumina- several driving trips. You should have yourSafely stop the vehicle astion in BLUE. This BLUE illuminated light vehicle checked by an authorized soon as possible, and referturns off when the engine is warmed up SUBARUdealer immediately. to the emergency steps tosufficiently. take in the case of engineIfthe engine coolant temperature in- &Coolant temperature overheating. After that, havecreases over the specified range, the low indicator light/Cool- the system checked by yourindicator light/warning light blinks in ant temperature high nearestSUBARUdealer.ReferRED. At this time, the engine is close to warning light to “Engine overheating” F9-overheating. 12. CAUTION – Blinking in RED and BLUEIfthe engine coolant temperature in- alternately: creases further, the indicator light/warning . After turning the ignition switchThe electrical system may belight illuminates in RED continuously. At to the “ON” position, if this malfunctioning. Contact yourthis time, the engine may be overheating. indicator light/warning light be-SUBARUdealerforaninspec- haves in any of the following tion. When the indicator light/warning light ways, the electrical system may blinks in RED or illuminates in RED, safely be malfunctioning. Contact yourThis coolant temperature low indicatorstop the vehicle as soon as possible, and SUBARU dealer immediately forlight/coolant temperature high warningrefer to the emergency steps to take in the an inspection. light has the following three functions.case of engine overheating. Refer to – It remains blinking in RED. “Engine overheating” F9-12. After that, . Illumination in BLUE indicates insuffi-have the system checked by your nearest – It remains illuminated in REDcient warming up of the engineSUBARUdealer. for more than 2 seconds Blinking in RED indicates that the – It remains blinking in RED andengine is close to overheatingAlso, if the indicator light/warning light BLUEalternately. . Illumination in RED indicates overheat-often blinks in RED, the electrical system ing condition of the engine may be malfunctioning. Contact your . While driving, if this indicator SUBARUdealer for an inspection. light/warning light behaves inFor a system check, this indicator light/ any of the following ways, takewarning light illuminates inRED forNOTE the specified appropriate mea-approximately 2 seconds when the igni-If the engine is restarted after a certain sure listed below. tion switch is turned to the “ON” position.driving condition, this indicator light/ – CONTINUED –
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year of production from: 2012

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Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual
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Subaru-Forester-IV-4-owners-manual page 150 min
Subaru-Forester-IV-4-owners-manual page 151 min
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