owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights3-19
The ABS warning light illuminates to-nate. This is due to the low battery voltage! Brake fluid level warning
gether with the brake system warning lightand does not indicate a malfunction. This light illuminates when the brake fluid
ifthe EBD system malfunctions. For When the battery becomes fully charged,level has dropped to near the “MIN” level
further details of the EBD system mal-the light will turn off.of the brake fluid reservoir with the ignition
function warning, refer t“oElectronic switch in the “ON” position and with the
Brake Force Distribution (EBD) system&Brakesystem parking brake fully released.
warning” F3-19. warning light
NOTE If the brake system warning light should
WARNING illuminate while driving (with the parking
Ifthe warning light behavior is as brake fully released and with the ignition
described in the following conditions,. Driving with the brake systemswitch positioned in “ON”), it could be an
the ABS system may be consideredwarning light on is dangerous.indication of leaking of brake fluid or worn
normal. This indicates your brake systembrake pads. If this occurs, immediately
. The warning light illuminates whenmay not be working properly. Ifstop the vehicle at the nearest safe place
the ignition switch is turned to thethe light remains illuminated, and check the brake fluid level. If the fluid
“ON” position and turns off approxi-have the brakes inspected by alevel is below the “MIN” mark in the
mately 2 seconds after the engine hasSUBARUdealer immediately.reservoir, do not drive the vehicle. Have
started. . If at all in doubt about whetherthe vehicle towed to the nearest SUBARU
. The warning light illuminates rightthe brakes are operating prop-dealer for repair.
after the engine is started but turns offerly, do not drive the vehicle.! Electronic Brake Force Distribution
immediately, remaining off. Have your vehicle towed to the(EBD) system warning
. The warning light remains illumi-nearest SUBARU dealer for re-The brake system warning light also
natedaftertheenginehasbeenstarted,pair. illuminates if a malfunction occurs in the
but it turns off when the vehicle speed EBD system. In that event, it illuminates
reaches approximately 25 mph (40
This light has the following functions.together with the ABS warning light.
km/h). ! Parking brake warning
. The warning light illuminates during TheEBDsystemmaybemalfunctioning if
driving, but it turns off immediately andThe light illuminates with the parkingthe brake system warning light and ABS
remains off. brake applied while the ignition switch iswarning light illuminate simultaneously
in the “ON” position. It turns off when theduring driving.
When driving with an insufficient batteryparking brake is fully released.Even if the EBD system fails, the conven-
voltage such as when the engine is jump tional braking system will still function.
started, the ABS warning light may illumi- However, the rear wheels will be more

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year of production from: 2012

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Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual
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