owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
3-20 Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
prone to locking when the brakes are! Vacuumpumpsystemwarning&Hillstartassistwarning
applied harder than usual and the vehi-(turbo models) light/Hill start assist
cle’s motion may therefore become some-This light illuminates when a malfunctionOFFindicator light
what harder to control. is detected in the vacuum pump system.
If the brake system warning light and ABS
warning light illuminate simultaneously,NOTE ! Hill start assist warning light
take the following steps. The vacuum pump system assists theWhile the engine is running, if there are
1. Stop the vehicle in the nearest safe,boost pressure when driving at highany malfunctions in the Hill start assist
flat place. altitudes while the engine is cold.system, the warning light will illuminate.
2. Shut down the engine, apply the & Low fuel warning light WARNING
parking brake and then restart it.
3. Release the parking brake. If bothThe low fuel warning light illuminatesWhen the Hill start assist warning
warning lights turn off, the EBD systemwhen the tank is nearly empty, at approxi-light illuminates, have the vehicle
may be malfunctioning. Drive carefully tomately2.6USgal(10.0liters,2.2Impgal).inspected at an authorized SUBARU
the nearest SUBARU dealer and have theIt only operates when the ignition switch isdealer.
system inspected. in the “ON” position.
4. If both warning lights illuminate again ! Hill start assist OFF indicator light
and remain illuminated after the engineCAUTION
has been restarted, shut down the engine While the Hill start assist system is
again, apply the parking brake, and checkPromptly put fuel in the tank when-deactivated, the Hill start assist OFF
the brake fluid level. ever the low fuel warning light indicator light illuminates continuously to
5. If the brake fluid level is not below theilluminates. Engine misfires as ainform the driver that the Hill start assist
“MIN” mark, the EBD system may beresult of an empty tank could causesystem is not operational.
malfunctioning. Drive carefully to thedamage to the engine.
nearest SUBARU dealer and have the &Dooropenwarning
system inspected. NOTE light
6. If the brake fluid level is below theThis light does not turn off unless theThewarninglight illuminates if any door or
“MIN” mark, DO NOT drive the vehicle.tank is replenished up to an internalthe rear gate is not fully closed. This
Instead, have the vehicle towed to thefuel quantity of approximately 4.5 USfunction is effective even if the ignition
nearest SUBARU dealer for repair.gal (17 liters, 3.7 Imp gal).switch is in the “LOCK”/“OFF” or “ACC”
position, or the key is removed from the

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year of production from: 2012

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