owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
The SET indicator j8 in the combination meter willTurning off the speed limiter will erase the setChanging a speed limit:
be turned off. The set speed value j9 will remainspeed limit memory.Use either of the following operations to change an
displayed. This speed remains stored in the speedSpeedlimiter malfunction:active speed limit:
limiter memory.
Resumingaprevious set speed:If the speed limiter malfunctions, the set indicator• PushandreleasetheSETswitchj2 upwardsor
j8 in the combination meter display will flash.downwards.Eachtimeyoudothis,thesetspeed
If a set speedlimithasbeencancelled,thesetspeedTurn the speed limiter off by pushing the speed lim-will increase or decrease by 2 km/h (2 MPH).
value j9 will remain displayed in the combinationiter main “ON/OFF”switchj4 andhavethesystem• PushandholdtheSETswitchupwardsordown-
meter and the speed will be stored in the speed lim-checkedbyaNISSANdealerorqualifiedworkshop.wards. The set speed will increase or decrease
iter memory. in steps of 4 km/h (2-3 MPH).
This speed limit can be reactivated by pressing theVehicles with diesel engine
RES(Resume)switch j1 upwards.Turning the speed limiter on:The new set speed limit j9 will be displayed in the
combination meter display.
If the current vehicle speed is higher than the previ-The speed limiter can be switched on after engineCancelling a speed limit:
ous set speed, the accelerator pedal will not workstart or when driving.
andthesetspeedvaluej9 willflashuntilthevehiclePush the speed limiter main “ON/OFF” switch j4.To cancel a set speed limit, push the CANCEL
speed drops below the set speed limit.The speed limiter symbol j7 and the LIMIT indica-switch j3 . The SET indicator j8 in the combination
Turning the speed limiter off:tor j6 will illuminate in the combination meter dis-meterdisplaywill be turned off. The set speed value
play. j9 willremaindisplayed,asthisspeedisnowstored
The speed limiter system will be turned off whenin the speed limiter memory.
one of the following operations is performed:Setting speed limit:It is also possible to override the speed limiter by
• Push the speed limiter main “ON/OFF” switchWhile driving, push the SET switch j2 upwards orfully depressing the accelerator pedal beyond the
j4 . The speed limiter symbol j7 , the LIMIT indi-downwards.resistance point.
cator j6 , the SET indicator j8 , and the set• Thespeedlimit will be set at the current speed.
speed value j9 will turn off in the combination WARNING
meter display. Whendriving less than 30 km/h (20 MPH), it will
not be possible to set the speed limit.• The vehicle may accelerate when the speed
• Push the cruise control main “ON/OFF” switch limiter cancels.
j5 . The speed limiter information in the combi-Whenthespeedlimiter is set, the SET indicator j8
nationmeterwillbereplacedwiththecruisecon-and the set speed value j9 illuminate in the combi-• Whenadditional floor mats are used, be sure
trol information. For details see “Cruise controlnation meter display.that they are correctly secured and that they
system” later in this section. cannot interfere with the accelerator pedal.
Mats not adapted to the vehicle may prevent
• When the vehicle is stopped and the ignition isproper operation of the speed limiter.
turned to the off position. Fully depress the accelerator pedal beyond the re-
Starting and driving5-17

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year of production from: 2006

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