owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
DISP(display) button: 2. Press the ENTER button. SEEKandTRACK(tuning)
Press the DISP (display) button while a CD is3. “Change Hour” will appear on the screen.buttons
playing to change the text shown in the audioTurn the TUNE/FOLDER knob to adjust thePresstheSEEKbuttonto tune from low to
display as follows: hours and then press ENTER.high frequencies and stop at the next broadcast-
For CDs: 4. “Change Minute”will appear on the screen.ing station.
Running Time → Album Title: → Artist Name: →Turn the TUNE/FOLDER knob to adjust thePresstheTRACKbuttonto tune from high
SongTitle: minutes and then press ENTER.to low frequencies and stop at the next broad-
casting station.
For MP3 CDs: ThedisplaywillreturntotheregularclockdisplayPress and hold either button to seek at a faster
Running Time → Folder Title: → Album Title: →after 10 seconds if no further adjustment is per-speed.
Artist Name: → Song Title: formed. SCAN(tuning) button
If the text information is too long to fully be dis-FM/AMradiooperationPresstheSCANbutton.SCANilluminatesinthe
played on the screen, press and hold the DISPAMandFMbuttons:display window. Scan tuning begins from low to
(display) button for longer than 1.5 seconds toPress the AM button to change the band to AM.high frequencies. Scan tuning stops for 5 sec-
scroll through the rest of the text. ondsateachbroadcasting station that has suffi-
PresstheDISP(display)buttonwhiletheradioisIf another audio source is playing when the AMcient signal strength. When scanning, SCAN
playing to toggle the audio display between sta-button is pressed, the audio source playing willblinks in the display. Pressing the SCAN button
automatically be turned off and the last radioagain during this 5 second period stops scan
tion number and RDS. station played will begin playing.tuningandtheradioremainstunedtothatstation.
Clock operation Press the FM button to change the band as1 to 6 Station memory operations:
To turn the clock display on or off, press thefollows: TwelvestationscanbesetfortheFMband(sixfor
MENU button repeatedly until “Clock” appearsFM1→FM2→FM1FM1, six for FM2) and six stations can be set for
on the display. Turn the TUNE/FOLDER knob to the AM band.
toggle the setting (ON or OFF).If another audio source is playing when the FM1. Choose the radio band AM, FM1 or FM2
Clock set button is pressed, the audio source playing willusing the AM or FM button.
automatically be turned off and the last radio
1. Press the MENU button repeatedly untilstation played will begin playing.
“Adjust Clock”appears on the display.
Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-33

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year of production from: 2013

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