owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
iPod®* player (if so equipped)● The iPod® nano (1st Generation) may re-● DonotconnectthecabletotheiPod®ifthe
● Some characters used in other languagesmain in fast forward or rewind mode if it iscable and/or connectors are wet. It may
connected during a seek operation. In thisdamagetheiPod®.
(Chinese, Japanese, etc.) are not displayedcase, please manually reset the iPod®.● If the cable and connectors are exposed to
properly on the vehicle center screen. We water, allow the cable and/or connectors to
recommend using English or Spanish lan-● If you are using an iPod® (3rd Generation
guage characters with an iPod®.with Dock connector), do not use very longdry completely before connecting the cable
namesforthesongtitle,albumnameorartistto the iPod® (wait 24 hours for it to dry).
● Large video podcast files cause slow re-name to prevent the iPod® from resetting● If the connector is exposed to fluids other
sponses in the iPod®. The vehicle centeritself.thanwater,evaporativeresiduemaycausea
display may momentarily black out, but it willshort between the connector pins. In this
soon recover. ● Be careful not to do the following, or thecase, replace the cable, otherwise damage
● If the iPod® automatically selects largecable could be damagedandalossoffunc-to the iPod® and a loss of function may
videopodcastfileswhileintheshufflemode,tion may occur:occur.
the vehicle center display may momentarily● Bend the cable excessively (40 mm● If the cable is damaged (insulation cut, con-
black out, but it will soon recover.[1.6 in] radius maximum).nectors cracked, contamination such as liq-
● ImproperlypluggingintheiPod®maycause● Twist the cable excessively (more thanuids, dust, dirt, etc., in the connectors), do
a checkmark to be displayed on and off180degrees).not use the cable and contact a NISSAN
(flickering).Always make sure that the dealer to replace the cable with a new one.
iPod®is connected properly.● Pull or drop the cable.● When not in use for extended periods of
● TheiPod®nano(2ndGeneration) will con-● Do not force the iPod® cable connectortime, store the cable in a clean, dust-free
tinue to fast forward or rewind if it is discon-into the device port.environment at room temperature and with-
nected during a seek operation.● Closethecenterconsolelidonthecableout direct sun exposure.
or connectors. ● Donotusethecableforanyotherpurposes
● Anincorrectsongtitlemayappearwhenthe other than its intended use in the vehicle.
PlayModeischangedwhileusingtheiPod®● Store objects with sharp edges in the
nano (2nd Generation). storage where the cable is stored.*iPod®isatrademarkofAppleInc.,registeredin
● Spill liquids on the cable and connectors.the U.S. and other countries.
● Audiobooks may not play in the same order
as they appear on the iPod®.
4-30 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems

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year of production from: 2013

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