owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
If another audio source is playing and the iPod®TUNE/FOLDERbutton,ENTER/SETTING
is connected, press the iPod® button to switchbutton:
to the iPod® mode. When the TUNE/FOLDER, ENTER/SETTING
If the system is turned off while the iPod® isbutton is pressedorfor more than
playing, the iPod® will start when the PWR but-1.5 seconds while the iPod® is playing, the
ton is pressed. iPod®willplaywhilefastforwardingorreversing.
Top menuitemselecting: When the button is released, the iPod® will
return to the normal play speed.
Press the iPod® MENU button while the iPod®When the TUNE/FOLDER, ENTER/SETTING
is connected to show the interface for iPod®button is pressedorfor less than
operation on the audio display. The items can be1.5 seconds while the iPod® is playing, the next
chosenfromthemenulistscreenbypressingthetrack or the beginning of the current track on the
SEEKbutton or while the iPod® isiPod®will be played.
operational. The display pattern can be changedRDM/RPTbutton: LHA0049
as follows: Press the RDM/RPTbutton while a track is play-CDCAREANDCLEANING
Playlists → Artists → Albums → Songs → Pod-ing to change the play pattern as follows:● HandleaCDbyitsedges.Donotbendthe
casts → Genres → Composers → AudiobooksExcluding Podcast and Audiobook: disc. Never touch the surface of the disc.
For additional information about each item, refer1TRACKREPEAT→ALLREPEAT→OFF
to the iPod® owner’s manual. ● Always place the discs in the storage case
TRACKSHUFFLE→ALBUMSHUFFLE→OFF whenthey are not being used.
Press the ENTER button while the top menu isFor additional information about Podcasts, refer● To clean a disc, wipe the surface from the
displayed to show program details on the audioto the iPod® owner’s manual. center to the outer edge using a clean, soft
cloth. Do not wipe the disc using a circular
display. UsetheSEEKbuttonsor to motion.
scroll through the choices and press the ENTER ● Donotuseaconventionalrecordcleaneror
button to make a selection. Press the BACK alcohol intended for industrial use.
button to return to the previous display.
Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-43

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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