owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
The air conditioner system in your NISSAN ve-RADIO Reception conditions will constantly change be-
hicle is charged with a refrigerant designed withPlace the ignition switch in the ACC or ONcause of vehicle movement. Buildings, terrain,
the environment in mind. signal distance and interference from other ve-
This refrigerant does not harm the earth’sposition and press the(power) button /hicles can work against ideal reception. De-
ozonelayer. PWR(button)toturntheradioon.Ifyoulistentoscribed below are some of the factors that can
the radio with the engine not running, the ignitionaffect your radio reception.
Special charging equipment and lubricant is re-switch should be placed in the ACC position.Some cellular phones or other devices may
quired when servicing your NISSAN air condi-Radio reception is affected by station signalcause interference or a buzzing noise to come
tioner. Using improper refrigerants or lubricantsstrength, distance from radio transmitter, build-from the audio system speakers. Storing the de-
will cause severe damage to your air conditionerings, bridges, mountains and other external influ-vice in a different location may reduce or elimi-
system. Refer to “Air conditioner system (if soences. Intermittent changes in reception qualitynate the noise.
equipped) refrigerant and oil recommendations”normally are caused by these external influences.
in the “Technical and consumerinformation”sec- FMRADIORECEPTION
tion of this manual. UsingacellularphoneinornearthevehicleRange: FM range is normally limited to 40 –
ANISSANdealerisabletoserviceyour“environ-mayinfluence radio reception quality.48km(25–30mi)withmonaural(single chan-
mentally friendly” air conditioning system.Radio reception nel) FM having slightly more range than stereo
Your NISSAN radio system is equipped withFM. External influences may sometimes interfere
WARNING withFMstationreceptioneveniftheFMstationis
Theairconditionersystemcontainsrefrig-state-of-the-art electronic circuits to enhance ra-within 40 km (25 mi). The strength of the FM
erant under high pressure. To avoid per-dio reception. These circuits are designed tosignal is directly related to the distance between
sonal injury, any air conditioner serviceextendreceptionrangeandtoenhancethequal-the transmitter and receiver. FM signals follow a
should be done only by a NISSAN dealer.ity of that reception.line-of-sight path, exhibiting many of the same
However,therearesomegeneralcharacteristicscharacteristics as light. For example, they will
of both FM and AM radio signals that can affectreflect off objects.
radio reception quality in a moving vehicle, evenFadeanddrift: As your vehicle moves away from
when the finest equipment is used. These char-a station transmitter, the signals will tend to fade
acteristics are completely normal in a given re-and/or drift.
ception area and do not indicate any malfunction
in your NISSAN radio system.
Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-23

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year of production from: 2013

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