owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
2. Tune to the desired station using manual,SEEK/TRACK(ReverseorRPT(repeat)/RDM(random)button
SEEKor SCANtuning. Press and hold anyFast Forward) button:PresstheRPT/RDMbuttonwhileacompactdisc
of the desired station memory buttons (1 – is playing to change the play pattern as follows:
6) until a beep is heard. Press and hold the SEEK/TRACK button
3. Thechannelindicatorwill then come on andorfor 1.5 seconds while the compact discCD:
the sound will resume. Programming is nowis playing to reverse or fast forward the trackTRACK REPEAT → DISC RANDOM → DISC
complete. being played. The compact disc plays at an in-REPEAT
4. Other buttons can be set in the same man-When the button is released, the compact discMP3/WMACD:
ner. returns to normal play speed. FOLDERREPEAT→TRACKREPEAT→DISC
If the battery cable is disconnected or if the fuseSEEKandTRACKRANDOM→FOLDERRANDOM→DISCRE-
opens,theradiomemorywillbecanceled.Inthatbuttons: PEAT
case, reset the desired stations. TRACKREPEAT:Thetrackthatiscurrentlyplay-
Compactdisc(CD)player operationWhen the SEEK buttonis pressed whileing will be repeated.
thecompactdiscisplaying,thenexttrackfollow-DISC RANDOM: The order of the tracks on the
Place the ignition switch in the ACC or ONing the present one starts to play from the begin-disc will be mixed during play.
position, and carefully insert the compact discning. Press the SEEKbuttonseveral times
into the slot with the label side up. The compactto skip several tracks. Each time the button isDISCREPEAT:Thedisccurrentlyplayingwill be
discisautomaticallypulledintotheslotandstartspressed, the CD advances one additional track.repeated.
to play. Thetracknumberappearsinthedisplaywindow.FOLDER REPEAT: The tracks in the current
If the radio is already operating, it automatically(When the last track on the compact disc isfolder will be repeated.
turns off and the compact disc begins to play.skipped, the first track is played.)FOLDER RANDOM: The order of the tracks in
When the TRACK buttonis pressed, thethe folder will be mixed during play.
CDbutton track being played returns to the beginning.
WhentheCDbuttonispressedwithacompactPress the TRACK buttonseveral times toSCAN(CDs)button
disc loaded and the radio playing, the radio turnsskip back several tracks. Each time the button isPresstheSCANbuttonforlessthan1.5seconds
off and the last used compact disc starts to play.pressed the CD moves back one track.to scan all tracks of the current disc for 10 sec-
ondspertrack. The SCANiconisflashed during
scan mode.
4-34 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems

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year of production from: 2013

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