owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
sistance point. The speed limiter will be suspendedTurning off the speed limiter will erase the setThecruisecontrol system allows driving at constant
to allow driving above the set speed. The set speedspeed limit memory.speedswithoutkeepingyourfootontheaccelerator
value j9 will flash. The speed limiter will automati-Speedlimiter malfunction:pedal.
cally resume when the vehicle speed drops below
the set speed limit. If the speed limiter malfunctions, the set indicatorWARNING
Resumingprevious set speed:j8 in the combination meter display will flash. Turn
the speed limiter off by pushing the speed limiter• The cruise control system ONLY maintains a
If a set speedlimithasbeencancelled,thesetspeedmain “ON/OFF” switch j4 and have the systemconstant vehicle speed, it does not replace
value j9 will remain displayed in the combinationcheckedbyaNISSANdealerorqualifiedworkshop.the driver.
meter and the speed will be stored in the speed lim-• Always observe the posted speed limits and
iter memory. This speed limit can be reactivated bydonotsetthespeedabovethem.
pressing the RES (Resume) switch j1.
If the current vehicle speed is higher than the previ-• Do not use the cruise control system when
ous set speed, the accelerator pedal will not work driving under the following conditions. Doing
andthesetspeedvaluej9 willflashuntilthevehicle so could cause a loss of vehicle control and
speed drops below the set speed limit. result in an accident.
Turning the speed limiter off: – Whenitisnotpossibletokeepthevehicle
at a constant speed
The speed limiter system will be turned off when – Whendriving in heavy traffic
one of the following operations is performed:
• Push the speed limiter main “ON/OFF” switch – Whendriving in traffic that varies speed
j4 . The speed limiter symbol j7 , the LIMIT indi-– Whendriving in windy areas
cator j6 , the SET indicator j8 , and the set – Whendriving on winding or hilly roads
speed value j9 will turn off in the combination
meter display. – When driving on slippery (rain, snow, ice,
• Push the cruise control main “ON/OFF” switch etc.) roads
j5 . The speed limiter information in the combi-Whenthecruisecontrolsystemisonthespeedlim-
nationmeterwillbereplacedwiththecruisecon- iter cannot be operated.
trol information. For details see “Cruise control
system” later in this section.
• When the vehicle is stopped and the ignition is
turned to the off position.
5-18 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2006

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